Author: Dohlus, M.
Paper Title Page
MOP060 RFTweak 5 - An Efficient Longitudinal Beam Dynamics Code 176
  • B. Beutner, H. Dinter, M. Dohlus
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  The shaping of the longitudinal phase space in bunch compression systems is essential for efficient FEL operation. RF systems and self-field interactions contribute to the overall phase space structure. The design of the various facilities relies on extensive beam dynamics simulations to define the longitudinal dynamics. However, in everyday control room applications such techniques are often not fast enough for efficient operation, e.g. for SASE tuning. Therefore efficient longitudinal beam dynamics codes are required while still maintaining reasonable accuracy. Our approach is to pre-calculate most of the required data for self-field interactions and store them on disc to reduce required online calculation time to a minimum. In this paper we present the fast longitudinal tracking code RFTweak 5, which includes wakes, space charge, and CSR interactions. With this code the full European XFEL with a 1M particles bunch is calculated on the order of minutes on a standard laptop. Neglecting CSR effects this time reduces to seconds.  
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MOP084 Seeded FEL Study for the Cascaded HGHG option for FLASH2 246
  • G. Feng, W. Decking, M. Dohlus, T. Limberg, I. Zagorodnov
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • K.E. Hacker
    DELTA, Dortmund, Germany
  • T. Plath
    Uni HH, Hamburg, Germany
  The free electron laser (FEL) facility at DESY in Hamburg (FLASH) is the world's first FEL user facility which can produce extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft X-ray photons. In order to increase beam time delivered to users, a major upgrade named FLASH II is in progress. As a possibility, a seeding undulator section can be installed between the extraction arc section and the SASE undulator of FLASH2. In this paper, a possible seeding scheme for the cascaded HGHG option for FLASH2 is given. The SASE undulator can be used as the second radiator of the cascaded HGHG. Parameters optimization for the accelerating modules and the bunch compressors has been done to meet the requirement of the electron bunches. In the beam dynamics simulation, collective effects were taken into account. Particle distribution generated from the beam dynamics simulation was used for the seeded FEL study. Space charge and CSR impacts on the microbunches were taken into account during the seeded FEL simulation. The simulation results show that FEL radiation with the wavelength of a few nms and with high monochromaticity can be seeded at FLASH2.  
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TUA02 Suppression of FEL Lasing by a Seeded Microbunching Instability 289
  • C. Lechner, A. Azima, M. Drescher, L.L. Lazzarino, Th. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, T. Plath, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, J. Roßbach
    Uni HH, Hamburg, Germany
  • S. Ackermann, J. Bödewadt, G. Brenner, M. Dohlus, N. Ekanayake, T. Golz, T. Laarmann, T. Limberg, E. Schneidmiller, N. Stojanovic, M.V. Yurkov
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • K.E. Hacker, S. Khan, R. Molo
    DELTA, Dortmund, Germany
  Funding: Supported by Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany under contract No. 05K10PE1, 05K10PE3, 05K13GU4, and 05K13PE3 and the German Research Foundation programme graduate school GRK1355.
Collective effects and instabilities due to longitudinal space charge and coherent synchrotron radiation can degrade the quality of the ultra-relativistic, high-brightness electron bunches driving free-electron lasers (FELs). In this contribution, we demonstrate suppression of FEL lasing induced by a laser-triggered microbunching instability at the free-electron laser FLASH. The interaction between the electron bunches and the 800-nm laser pulses takes place in an undulator upstream of the FEL undulators. A significant decrease of XUV photon pulse energies has been observed in coincidence with the laser-electron overlap in the modulator. We discuss the underlying mechanisms based on longitudinal space charge amplification (LSCA) [E.A. Schneidmiller and M.V. Yurkov, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 13, 110701 (2010)] and present measurements.
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WEP031 Measurements and Simulations of Seeded Electron Microbunches with Collective Effects 650
  • K.E. Hacker, S. Khan, R. Molo
    DELTA, Dortmund, Germany
  • S. Ackermann, J. Bödewadt, M. Dohlus, N. Ekanayake, T. Laarmann, H. Schlarb
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • L.L. Lazzarino, C. Lechner, Th. Maltezopoulos, T. Plath, J. Roßbach
    Uni HH, Hamburg, Germany
  Funding: The experiments were carried out at FLASH at DESY. BMBF contract No. 05K10PE1, 05K10PE3, 05K13GU4, and 05K13PE3, and the German Research Foundation program graduate school 1355.
Measurements of the longitudinal phase-space distribution of electron bunches seeded with an external laser were done in order to study the impact of collective effects on seeded microbunches in free-electron lasers. Velocity bunching of a seeded microbunch appears to be a viable alternative to compression with a magnetic chicane under high-gain harmonic generation seeding conditions when the collective effects of Coulomb forces in a drift space and coherent synchrotron radiation in a chicane are considered. Measurements of these effects on seeded electron microbunches were performed with an RF deflecting structure and a dipole magnet which streak out the electron bunch for single-shot images of the longitudinal phase-space distribution. Particle tracking simulations in 3D predicted the compression dynamics of the seeded microbunches with collective effects.
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