Author: Wu, J.
Paper Title Page
MOPB08 Studies for Polarization Control at LCLS 31
  • E. Allaria, Y.T. Ding, P. Emma, Z. Huang, H.-D. Nuhn, M. Rowen, J.J. Welch, J. Wu
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  In order to improve the capabilities of LCLS to meet more of the user requirements it has been proposed to implement a method to produce circularly polarized coherent radiation in the LCLS free electron laser. In this work we will present the results of a new set of studies and simulations that have been done for adding polarization control to LCLS using circularly polarizing undulators. Attention has been focused mainly on the use of variable gap APPLE-II undulators to be used at the end of a long SASE radiator that is based on the standard planar LCLS undulators. Issues like polarization contamination from the planar polarized light, polarization fluctuation and the choice of undulator configuration have been studied.  
MOPC04 The Effects of Jitters on Coherent X-ray Radiation Using a Modulation Compression Scheme 103
  • J. Qiang
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  • J. Wu
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Modulation compression scheme based on a chirped beam, laser modulator and laser chirper, and two bunch compressors was proposed recently to generate coherent multi-color atto-second X-ray radiation [1]. In this paper, we will present studies of effects of the initial longitudinal beam chirp jitter, time synchronization jitter between the electron beam and the laser chirper, and the laser chirper amplitude jitter on the final coherent X-ray radiation.
[1]Ji Qiang and Juhao Wu, “Generation multi-color attosecond X-ray radiation through modulation compression,” arXiv:1102.4806v1.
TUOA4 Toward TW-level, Hard X-ray Pulses at LCLS 160
  • W.M. Fawley, J.C. Frisch, Z. Huang, Y. Jiao, H.-D. Nuhn, C. Pellegrini, J. Wu
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • S. Reiche
    Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
  Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
Coherent diffraction imaging of complex molecules, like proteins, requires a large number of hard X-ray photons, ~10+13/pulse, within a time ~10 fs or less. This is equivalent to a peak power of about one TW, much larger than that currently generated by LCLS or other proposed X-ray FELs. We study the feasibility of producing such pulses from LCLS and the proposed LCLS-II, employing a configuration beginning with a SASE amplifier, followed by a "self-seeding" crystal monochromator [1], and finishing with a long tapered undulator. Results suggest that TW-level output power at 8 keV is possible, with a total undulator length below 200 m. We use a 40 pC electron bunch charge, normalized transverse emittance of 0.2-mm-mrad, peak current of 4 kA, and electron energy about 14 GeV. We present a tapering strategy that extends the original "resonant particle" formalism by optimizing the transport lattice to maximize optical guiding and enhance net energy extraction. We also discuss the transverse and longitudinal coherence properties of the output radiation pulse. Fluctuation of such a tapered FEL is studied with realistic jitter measured at LCLS and with start-to-end simulation.
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WEOA2 SASE FEL Pulse Duration Analysis from Spectral Correlation Function 318
  • A.A. Lutman, Y.T. Ding, Y. Feng, Z. Huang, J. Krzywinski, M. Messerschmidt, J. Wu
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
A new method to measure the X-rays pulse duration through the analysis of the statistical properties of the SASE FEL spectra has been developed. The information on the pulse duration is contained in the correlation function of the intensity spectra measured after a spectrometer. The spectral correlation function is derived analytically for different profile shapes in the exponential growth regime and issues like spectral central frequency jitter and shot by shot statistical gain are addressed. Numerical simulations will show that the method is applicable also in saturation regime and that both pulse duration and spectrometer resolution can be recovered from the spectral correlation function. The method has been experimentally demonstrated at LCLS, measuring the soft X-rays pulse durations for different electron bunch lengths, and the evolution of the pulse durations for different undulator distances. Shorter pulse durations down to 13 fs FWHM have been measured using the slotted foil.
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WEPB03 LCLS-II Undulator Tolerance Analysis 394
  • H.-D. Nuhn, J. Wu
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • S. Marks
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  Funding: This work was supported by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515
The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is constructing the new FEL user facility LCLS-II, as a major upgrade to the Linear Coherent Light Source (LCLS). The upgrade will include two new Free Electron Lasers, to generate soft (SXR) and hard X-ray (HXR) SASE FEL radiation, based on planar, variable gap hybrid undulators with two different undulator periods (SXR 55 mm, HXR 32 mm). An systematic FEL tolerance analysis for the undulator lines, including tuning, alignment, yaw deformation, and phase correction tolerances has been performed. The methods and results are presented in this work.
THOB5 FEL Spectral Measurements at LCLS 461
  • J.J. Welch, F.-J. Decker, Y.T. Ding, P. Emma, A.S. Fisher, J.C. Frisch, Z. Huang, R.H. Iverson, H. Loos, M. Messerschmidt, H.-D. Nuhn, D.F. Ratner, J.L. Turner, J. Wu
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported in part by the DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
Control and knowledge of the spectrum of FEL X-ray radiation at the LCLS is important to the quality and interpretation of experimental results. Narrow bandwidth is useful in experiments requiring high-brightness beams. Wide bandwidth is particularly useful for photon energy calibration using absorption spectra. Since LCLS was commissioned in 2009 measurements have been made of average and single shot spectra of X-ray FEL radiation at the LCLS over a range of 800 to 8000 eV, for fundamental and harmonic radiation. These include correlations with chirp, bunch current, undulator K-taper, electron beam energy, and charge as well as some specialized machine configurations. In this paper we present results and discuss the relationship of the electron beam energy distribution to the observed X-ray spectrum.
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THOC4 Transverse Size and Distribution of FEL X-ray Radiation of the LCLS 465
  • J.L. Turner, F.-J. Decker, Y.T. Ding, P. Emma, J.C. Frisch, K. Horovitz, Z. Huang, R.H. Iverson, J. Krzywinski, H. Loos, M. Messerschmidt, S.P. Moeller, H.-D. Nuhn, D.F. Ratner, J.J. Welch, J. Wu
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515
Understanding and controlling the transverse size and distribution of FEL X-ray radiation of the LCLS at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is discussed. Understanding divergence, source size, and distributions under various conditions is a convolution of many effects such as the electron distribution, the undulator alignment, micro-bunching suppression, and beta-match. Measurements of transverse size along the X-ray pulse and other studies designed to sort out the dominant effects are presented and discussed.
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THPB31 Multiple FELs from the One LCLS Undulator 629
  • F.-J. Decker, P. Emma, J.C. Frisch, K. Horovitz, Z. Huang, R.H. Iverson, J. Krzywinski, H. Loos, S.P. Moeller, H.-D. Nuhn, J.L. Turner, J.J. Welch, J. Wu
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Science, under Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
The FEL of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC is generated in a 132 m long undulator. By introducing a kink in the undulator setup and launching different electron pulses with a small kick, we achieved two FEL beams with a separation of about 10 σ. These beams were separated at down stream mirrors and brought to the entrances of the soft and hard X-ray hutches. This was done at low energy creating soft X-rays which require only a shorter length to get to saturation. At high energy the whole undulator has to be "re-pointed" pulse by pulse. This can be done using 33 undulator correctors creating two straight lines for the photons with small angle to point the FEL to different mirrors pulse by pulse even at high energy. Experiments will be presented and further ideas discussed to get different energy photons created and sent to the soft and hard X-ray mirrors and experiments.