MOAM2HA —  Muon Cooling   (10-Jun-13   10:30—12:30)
Chair: A. Sessler, LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
Paper Title Page
MOAM2HA01 Muon Cooling, Muon Colliders, and the MICE Experiment 11
  • D.M. Kaplan
    Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, USA
  Muon colliders and neutrino factories are attractive options for future facilities aimed at achieving the highest lepton-antilepton collision energies and precision measurements of parameters of the Higgs boson and the neutrino mixing matrix. The performance and cost of these depend sensitively on how well a beam of muons can be cooled. Recent progress in muon cooling design studies and prototype tests nourishes the hope that such facilities can be built during the next decade. The status of the key technologies and their various demonstration experiments will be summarized.  
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MOAM2HA02 An Overview of the US Muon Accelerator Program 16
  • M.A. Palmer
    Fermilab, Batavia, USA
  Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. National Science Foundation
The Muon Accelerator Program (MAP) is the US organization tasked with carrying out the R&D necessary to evaluate the feasibility of future facilities based on muon accelerators. This includes research that could lead to the construction of a neutrino factory, Higgs factory and/or multi-TeV muon collider. Activities include design work for all stages of a muon accelerator complex, from the proton driver and target through the collider and/or muon decay rings, development of the critical technologies needed for such a facility, and support for experiments demonstrating key principles such as muon cooling (eg, the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment). MAP coordinates a collaboration that includes participants from 18 US institutions which span the national laboratory system, universities and industry. The major research thrusts and goals as well as the structure of the research program are summarized.
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MOAM2HA03 Muon Beam Helical Cooling Channel Design 21
  • R.P. Johnson, C.M. Ankenbrandt, G. Flanagan, G.M. Kazakevich, F. Marhauser, M.L. Neubauer, T.J. Roberts, C.Y. Yoshikawa
    Muons, Inc, Illinois, USA
  • Y.S. Derbenev, V.S. Morozov
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • V.S. Kashikhin, M.L. Lopes, A.V. Tollestrup, K. Yonehara, A.V. Zlobin
    Fermilab, Batavia, USA
  Funding: Sponsored in part by US DOE STTR Grant DE-SC0007634
The theory of the Helical muon beam ionization Cooling Channel* (HCC) and the technical challenges to construct the most efficient HCC are discussed. The design and construction plans for a 1-m, 20-cavity prototype HCC segment are described, including efforts to develop hydrogen pressurized RF cavities that are loaded with dielectric, fed by magnetrons, and operate in a superconducting helical solenoid magnet. We describe the HCC for a muon collider that would enable the only direct measurement of the width of the recently detected candidate Higgs Boson as an s-channel resonance.
Y. Derbenev, R P. Johnson. Published in Phys. Rev.ST Accel. Beams 8:041002,2005.
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MOAM2HA04 6D Cooling in Periodic Lattices Including a Planar Snake 26
  • R.B. Palmer, J.S. Berg, D. Stratakis
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Funding: Work supported by US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-98CH10886
Muon Colliders offer many advantages over electron-positron colliders, but have significant technical challenges. One of these is the needed muon cooling in both transverse and longitudinal phase space. Ionization cooling, from energy loss in materials plus rf re-acceleration, lowers transverse emittances. Cooling of longitudinal emittance requires, in addition, emittance exchange in a lattice giving greater energy loss for higher emittance muons. In a 'Guggenheim', or similar lattices, this is achieved by dispersion plus wedge shaped absorbers. Simulations of such cooling are reported. Two challenges in cooling to the required emittances will be discussed: a) the needed high magnetic fields and required super-conductor current densities; and b) the needed vacuum rf operating in these magnetic fields.
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