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Friedrich, T.

Paper Title Page
MOY03 Surveying Software Technology for Accelerator Control Systems 16
  • T. Friedrich, M. Törngren
    KTH/MD, Stockholm
  Virtually all accelerator based research facilities nowadays use a mixture of software libraries, tools, protocols and development techniques to address the facilities’ various control system requirements efficiently. Many of these technologies are open-source and shared between laboratories to various extents. Motivated by the planning of MAX-lab’s new light source project, the MAX IV facility, we have conducted a state-of-the-art survey of these technologies, which will serve as a knowledge base for upcoming design decisions. This paper provides a summary of the topics and conclusions of our survey. In this scope the survey compares software technologies with respect to user features (scientific analysis and operation requirements), quality requirements (integration, performance, services, reliability, security, safety), and other issues. Control system design goals are beneficial long-term effects on feature opportunities, software development and maintenance costs.  
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