Keyword: collective-effects
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WEPOB08 Collective Effects at Injection for the APS-U MBA Lattice ion, feedback, injection, lattice 901
  • R.R. Lindberg, M. Borland
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA
  • A. Blednykh
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Funding: U.S. Dept. of Energy Office of Sciences under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357
The Advanced Photon Source has proposed an upgrade to a multi-bend achromat (MBA) with a proposed timing mode calls for 48 bunches of 15 nC each. In this mode of operation we find that phase space mismatch from the booster can drive large wakefields that in turn may limit the current below that of the nominal collective instability threshold. We show that collective effects at injection lead to emittance growth that makes usual off-axis accumulation very challenging. On-axis injection ameliorates many of these issues, but we find that transverse feedback is still required. We explore the role of impedance, feedback, and phase-space mismatch on transverse instabilities at injection.
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THPOA18 Simulating Batch-on-Batch Slip-Stacking in the Fermilab Recycler Using a New Multiple Interacting Bunch Capability in Synergia ion, simulation, space-charge, wakefield 1135
  • E.G. Stern, R. Ainsworth, J.F. Amundson, Q. Lu
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA
  Funding: U.S. Department of Energy, contract DE-AC02-07CH11359
The Recycler is an 8 GeV/c proton storage ring at Fermilab. To achieve the 700 MW beam power goals for the NOvA neutrino oscillation experiment, the Recycler accumulates 12 batches of 80-bunch trains from the Booster using slip-stacking. One set of bunch trains are injected into the ring and decelerated, then a second set is injected at the nominal momentum. The trains slip past each other longitudinally due to their momenta difference. We have recently extended the multi-bunch portion of the Synergia beam simulation program to allow co-propagation of bunch trains at different momenta. In doing so, we have expanded the applicability of the massively parallel multi-bunch physics portion of Synergia to include new categories of bunch-bunch interactions. We present results from our first application of these capabilities to batch-on-batch slip stacking in the Recycler.
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