Author: Zhou, L.
Paper Title Page
Experimental Setup Design of Hard X-ray Coherent Scattering (HXCS) Beamline at HEPS  
  • Z.N. Ou, R.Y. Liao, S. Tang, X. Wang, H.H. Yu, L. Zhou
    IHEP, People’s Republic of China
  The HXCS is a dedicated coherent beamline of the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS). The experimental setup of the endstation mainly includes two devices: CDI/WAXS XPCS and SAXS XPCS. To achieve high stability requirements, the CDI/WAXS XPCS device use a nano-focusing AKB mirrors system, which will focus hard x-rays to a focal spot as small as 100 nm with a small working distance of 64 mm. In the narrow working distance, AKB mirror chamber and sample chamber are designed as a unit but separated from the middle. And the device is designed with two sets of switchable sample table, in order to flexibly carry out four coherent techniques. Due to high stability, the CDI/WAXS XPCS device is stringent designed for high stiffness, high temperature stability and metrology. Besides, the other important equipments of the beamline include a 1.5m WAXS tube and a 14m SAXS tube. For high-resolution applications, the WAXS tube can be rotated around the sample in the horizontal and vertical plane by 45°and the SAXS tube can adjust distance and angulation. At present, the whole experimental setup is designed according to the fine mechanical design which can meet the experimental requirements.  
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A compact direct measurement method for relative positioning of KB mirrors nano-experimental apparatus based on grating interferometers  
  • S. Tang, T. He, M. Li, R.Y. Liao, Z.N. Ou, W.F. Sheng, Y. Tao, H.H. Yu, L. Zhou
    IHEP, People’s Republic of China
  • T. He
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  • H.H. Yu
    UCAS, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  Funding: This work is supported by the project of High Energy Photon Source (HEPS).
Positioning measurement is regraded as an effective way for the position compensation and feedback of nano-experimental apparatus. However, it usually suffers many restrictions from the complicated applied occasion of a typical performance beamline for next-generation synchrotron radiation light source. To deal with the problem, a compact direct measurement method based on grating interferometers is presented. The principle, configuration, experiment are designed and implemented for the verification of the feasibility. It performs a high resolution in orthogonal/lateral direction relative to laser beam, which can overcome an infeasible shortage of a typical interferometer for direct lateral positioning. So, it is used for positioning measurement & compensation between KB mirrors and nano-stages of a sample for the experiments of CDI, bragg-CDI, pytchograph, XPCS, etc. Compared with the existed methods, huge frame, two vacuum chambers restriction, multi-axis interferometer and benchmark relay are avoided for the compact system by using proposed method.
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