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MOPAB189 |
Beam Commissioning of XiPAF Synchrotron |
639 |
- H.J. Yao, X. Guan, Y. Li, X.Y. Liu, M.W. Wang, X.W. Wang, Y. Yang, W.B. Ye, H.J. Zeng, S.X. Zheng
TUB, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
- W.L. Liu, D. Wang, Z.M. Wang
NINT, Shannxi, People’s Republic of China
XiPAF (Xi’an 200MeV Proton Application Facility) is a project to fulfill the need for the experimental simulation of the space radiation environment. It comprises a 7 MeV H− linac, a 60-230 MeV proton synchrotron, and experimental stations. The Installation of the synchrotron, beamline and one experimental station were completed at the end of December 2019, and commissioning has just begun. Circulating beam around the synchrotron was observed on the first day of operation, and now 10-200 MeV proton beam directly extracted from the synchrotron had been transported to the experimental station for user experiments. The results of the commissioning and data analysis are presented in this paper.
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paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 21 May 2021 issue date ※ 17 August 2021 |
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TUPAB326 |
Injection Optimization and Study of XiPAF Synchrotron |
2264 |
- X.Y. Liu, X. Guan, Y. Li, M.W. Wang, X.W. Wang, H.J. Yao, W.B. Ye, H.J. Zeng, S.X. Zheng
TUB, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
- W.L. Liu, D. Wang, M.C. Wang, Z.M. Wang, Y. Yang, M.T. Zhao
NINT, Shannxi, People’s Republic of China
The synchrotron of XiPAF (Xi’an 200MeV proton application Facility) is a compact proton synchrotron, which using H- stripping injection and phase space painting scheme. Now XiPAF is under commissioning with some achievements, the current intensity after injection reach 43mA, the corresponding particle number is 2.3·1011, and the injection efficiency is 57%. The simulation results by PyOrbit show that the injection efficiency is 77%. In this paper, we report how the injection intensity and efficiency were optimized. We analyzed the difference between simulation and experiments, and quantitatively investigate the factors affecting injection efficiency through experiments.
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paper received ※ 14 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 22 June 2021 issue date ※ 22 August 2021 |
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WEPAB198 |
Beam Dynamics Design of a Synchrotron Injector with Laser-Accelerated Ions |
3085 |
- M.Z. Tuo, X. Guan, W. Lu, P.F. Ma, Y. Wan, X.W. Wang, Q.Z. Xing, H.J. Yao, S.X. Zheng
TUB, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
We present, in this paper, the beam dynamics design of a linac injector with laser-accelerated carbon-ions for a medical synchrotron. In the design, the initial transverse divergence is reduced by two apertures. The beam is focused transversely through a quadrupole triplet lens downstream the apertures. The output energy spread of the extracted beam at the exit of the injector is compressed from ±6% to ±0.6% by a debuncher and a bend magnet system to meet the injection requirement for the synchrotron. By changing the width of imaging slit of the bend magnet system, the beam with energy of 4±0.024 MeV/u is extracted, and the particle number per shot and transverse emittances of the beam at the exit of the injector can be regulated through adjusting the slit height. The dynamics design can pave the way for the future concept research of the synchrotron injector.
Poster WEPAB198 [1.034 MB]
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paper received ※ 16 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 16 June 2021 issue date ※ 18 August 2021 |
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WEPAB205 |
XiPAF Synchrotron Slow Extraction Commissioning |
3106 |
- W.B. Ye, X. Guan, Y. Li, X.Y. Liu, M.W. Wang, X.W. Wang, Y. Yang, H.J. Yao, H.J. Zeng, S.X. Zheng
TUB, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
- W.L. Liu, D. Wang, M.C. Wang, Z.M. Wang, Y. Yang, M.T. Zhao
NINT, Shannxi, People’s Republic of China
Xi’an 200 MeV Proton Application Facility (XiPAF) is a project to fulfill the need for the experimental simulation of the space radiation environment. It comprises a 7 MeV H− linac, a 60~230 MeV proton synchrotron, and experimental stations. Slow extraction commissioning for 60 MeV proton beam in XiPAF synchrotron has been finished. After commissioning, the maximal experiment extraction efficiency with the RF-knockout (RF-KO) method can up to 85%. The reason for beam loss has been analyzed and presented in this paper. Besides, an experiment of multiple energy extraction has been conducted in XiPAF synchrotron. The proton beams of 3 different energies were successfully extracted in 1.54 s.
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paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 07 July 2021 issue date ※ 31 August 2021 |
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THPAB317 |
Experiment and Simulation Study on the Capture and Acceleration Process of XiPAF Synchrotron |
4409 |
- Y. Li, X. Guan, X.Y. Liu, M.W. Wang, X.W. Wang, Q.Z. Xing, Y. Yang, H.J. Yao, W.B. Ye, S.X. Zheng
TUB, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
- W.L. Liu, D. Wang, Z.M. Wang, Y. Yang, M.T. Zhao
NINT, Shannxi, People’s Republic of China
The beam commissioning of the capture and acceleration process on the XiPAF (Xi’an 200MeV Proton Application Facility) synchrotron has been carried out. The efficiency of the experiment results has been compared with the simulation results. At present, the efficiency of the capture process with single-harmonic is about 73%, and the acceleration efficiency is about 82%, and the simulation results are 77% and 96% without space charge effect, respectively. In order to improve efficiency, dual-harmonic was used during the capture and acceleration process. During the experiment, the capture efficiency was increased by 5%, and the acceleration efficiency was increased by 4%. The capture efficiency decreases with the increase of the maximum RF voltages. We analyzed the reasons for the decrease in capture efficiency. In the next step, further verification will be carried out through experiments under different conditions.
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paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 08 July 2021 issue date ※ 23 August 2021 |
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THPAB318 |
Uniformization of the Transverse Beam Profile with Nonlinear Magnet |
4413 |
- Y. Li, X. Guan, X.Y. Liu, X.W. Wang, Q.Z. Xing, Y. Yang, H.J. Yao, W.B. Ye, S.X. Zheng
TUB, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
- Y. Yang
NINT, Shannxi, People’s Republic of China
The beam generated after slow extraction of the synchrotron is always not uniform and asymmetrical in transverse distribution. In practice, radiation therapy or radiation irradiation requires a high degree of uniformity of beam spot. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the beam distribution with a nonlinear magnet and other elements on the transport line from synchrotron ring to beam target station. Nonlinear magnet has high requirements on beam quality. Before passing through the nonlinear magnet field, the beam center can be adjusted by taking advantage of the gradient change distribution of the nonlinear magnet’s transverse field map to achieve uniform distribution at the target station. As an example, we use the parameters of heavy ions of XiPAF (Xi’an 200MeV Proton Application Facility) to simulate the beam transport from synchrotron ring to beam target station.
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paper received ※ 20 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 08 July 2021 issue date ※ 21 August 2021 |
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