THOAB —  Contributed Oral Presentations, Applications of Accelerators   (12-May-16   09:30—10:30)
Chair: S.H. Nam, KIRAMS/KHIMA, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Paper Title Page
THOAB01 Status of Proton Beam Commissioning of the MedAustron Particle Therapy Accelerator 3176
  • A. Garonna, F. Farinon, M. Kronberger, T.K.D. Kulenkampff, C. Kurfürst, S. Myalski, S. Nowak, F. Osmić, L.C. Penescu, M.T.F. Pivi, C. Schmitzer, P. Urschütz, A. Wastl
    EBG MedAustron, Wr. Neustadt, Austria
  MedAustron is a synchrotron-based ion beam therapy centre, designed to deliver clinical beams of protons (60-250 MeV) and carbon ions (120-400 MeV/u) to three clinical irradiation rooms (IR) and one research room, which can also host 800 MeV protons. The commission-ing activities for the first treatments with proton beams in IR3 have been completed and commissioning of IR1-2 is ongoing. The present paper describes the activities which took place during the last year, which involved all accel-erator components from the ion source to the IR.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-THOAB01  
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THOAB02 Concept of RF Linac for Intra-pulse Multi-energy Scan 3180
  • A.K. Krasnykh, J. Neilson, A.D. Yeremian
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported in part by US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515
A material discrimination based on X-Ray systems is typically achieved by alternating photon pulses of two different energies. A new approach relies on the ability to generate X-ray pulses with an end-point energy that varies in a controlled fashion during the duration of the pulse. An intra-pulse multi-energy X-ray beam device will greatly enhance current cargo screening capabilities. This method originally was described in the AS&E patents*. This paper addresses a linac concept for the proposed scan and describes some proof of concept experiments carried out at SLAC.
* A. Arodzero et al., 'System and methods for intra-pulse multi-energy and adaptive multi-energy X-ray cargo inspection', US Patent 8,457, 274, 2013
slides icon Slides THOAB02 [1.776 MB]  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-THOAB02  
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THOAB03 Ultrafast Electron Microscopy using 100 Femtosecond Relativistic-Energy Electron Beam 3183
  • J. Yang, K. Kan, K. Tanimura, Y. Yoshida
    ISIR, Osaka, Japan
  • J. Urakawa
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  An ultrafast detection technique on 100 fs time scales over sub-nanometer (even atomic) spatial dimensions has long been a goal for the scientists to reveal and understand the ultrafast structural-change induced dynamics in materials. In this paper, the generation of femtosecond electron pulses using the RF gun and the first prototype of femtosecond time-resolved relativistic-energy ultrafast electron microscopy (UEM) are reported. Finally, both relativistic-energy electron diffraction and image measurements in the UEM prototype are presented.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-THOAB03  
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