FRXAA —  Invited Oral Presentations, Applications of Accelerators   (13-May-16   09:00—10:00)
Chair: M. Seidel, PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Paper Title Page
FRXAA01 Korea Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator Project 4243
  • G.B. Kim, G. Hahn, W.T. Hwang, H. Yimpresenter
    KIRAMS, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • J.G. Hwang, C.H. Kim, C.W. Park
    KIRAMS/KHIMA, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  The Korea Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator (KHIMA) project is to develop 430-MeV/u heavy ion accelerator and therapy systems for medical applications. The accelerator system includes ECRIS, injector linac, synchrotron, beam transport lines, and treatment systems. The accelerator system is expected to provide stable beams very reliably, and there should be special cares and strategies in the machine construction and operations. This presentation covers all issues mentioned above.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-FRXAA01  
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Low Energy Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy (AMS)  
  • H.-A. Synal
    ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
  The technical evolution of AMS is summarized. AMS is the most sensitive isotope selective detection method for long-lived radionuclides, capable of measuring isotopic ratios as low as 1:1016. At present, C-14 is still the most important AMS nuclide but there are many applications of other nuclides such as Be-10, Al-26, Cl-36, Ca-41, I-129, and actinides. A key characteristic of any AMS system is the destruction of molecular interferences and subsequent analyses of atomic ions. In early instruments, highly charged ions (> 3+ ) were used, and fairly high ion energies, and as a consequence, large accelerators were required. Today, 1+ is used, molecular interferences are destroyed in multiple collisions with gas atoms or molecules at energies of a few hundred keV. Thus, C-14 AMS instruments develop towards lab size or tabletop devices. But, low energy AMS is not limited to radiocarbon only and there is a great potential for radionuclides not interfered by nuclear isobars. These developments have launched the wide spread use of AMS in various research fields and has resulted in a boom of new AMS facilities which impact the wide variety of applications of AMS in modern research.  
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