Author: Gaget, A.
Paper Title Page
MOPV001 Status of the SARAF-Phase2 Control System 93
  • F. Gougnaud, P. Bargueden, G. Desmarchelier, A. Gaget, P. Guiho, A. Lotode, Y. Mariette, V. Nadot, N. Solenne
    CEA-DRF-IRFU, France
  • D. Darde, G. Ferrand, F. Gohier, T.J. Joannem, G. Monnereau, V. Silva
    CEA-IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • H. Isakov, A. Perry, E. Reinfeld, I. Shmuely, Y. Solomon, N. Tamim
    Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel
  • T. Zchut
    CEA LIST, Palaiseau, France
  SNRC and CEA collaborate to the upgrade of the SARAF accelerator to 5 mA CW 40 Mev deuteron and proton beams and also closely to the control system. CEA is in charge of the Control System (including cabinets) design and implementation for the Injector (upgrade), MEBT and Super Conducting Linac made up of 4 cryomodules hosting HWR cavities and solenoid packages. This paper gives a detailed presentation of the control system architecture from hardware and EPICS software points of view. The hardware standardization relies on MTCA.4 that is used for LLRF, BPM, BLM and FC controls and on Siemens PLC 1500 series for vacuum, cryogenics and interlock. CEA IRFU EPICS Environment (IEE) platform is used for the whole accelerator. IEE is based on virtual machines and our MTCA.4 solutions and enables us to have homogenous EPICS modules. It also provides a development and production workflow. SNRC has integrated IEE into a new IT network based on advanced technology. The commissioning is planned to start late summer 2021.  
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About • Received ※ 09 October 2021       Revised ※ 20 October 2021       Accepted ※ 03 November 2021       Issue date ※ 11 March 2022
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MOPV024 vscode-epics, a VSCode Module to Enlighten Your EPICS Code 179
  • V. Nadot, A. Gaget, F. Gohier, F. Gougnaud, P. Lotrus, S. Tzvetkov
    CEA-IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  vscode-epics is a Visual Studio Code module developed by CEA Irfu that aims to enlight your EPICS code. This module makes developer life easier, improves code quality and helps standardizing EPICS code. It provides syntax highlighting, snippets and header template for EPICS file and provides snippets for WeTest*. This VSCode module is based on Visual Studio Code language Extension and it uses basic JSON files that make feature addition easy. The number of downloads increases version after version and the different feedback motivates us to strongly maintain it for the EPICS community. Since 2019, some laboratories of the EPICS community have participated in the improvement of the module and it seems to have a nice future (linter, snippet improvements, specific language support, etc.). The module is available on Visual Studio Code marketplace** and on EPICS extension GitHub***. CEA Irfu is open to bug notifications, enhancement suggestions and merge requests to continuously improve vscode-epics.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※  
About • Received ※ 10 October 2021       Accepted ※ 04 November 2021       Issue date ※ 26 December 2021  
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THPV022 MRF Timing System Design at SARAF 912
  • A. Gaget
    CEA-IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  CEA Saclay Irfu is in charge of an important part of the control system of the SARAF LINAC accelerator based at Soreq (Israel). This includes, among other, the control of the timing system (synchronization and timestamping). CEA has already installed and uses successfully the timing distribution with MRF on test benches for ESS or IPHI, so it has been decided to use the same technologies. The reference frequency will be distributed along the accelerator by a master oscillator Wenzel and the UTC time will be based on a Meridian II GPS, these 2 devices will be connected to the Event Master (EVM) card which is the main element of the timing system architecture. Through an optical fiber network, the MRF timing system allows to distribute downstream and upstream events with a µs propagation time. Currently, we are working on development in order to also use it for the machine protection system of the accelerator. In this paper, hardware, timing architecture, software developments and tests will be presented.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※  
About • Received ※ 08 October 2021       Revised ※ 20 October 2021       Accepted ※ 23 January 2022       Issue date ※ 01 March 2022
Cite • reference for this paper using ※ BibTeX, ※ LaTeX, ※ Text/Word, ※ RIS, ※ EndNote (xml)