FRCAU —  Towards the Future   (14-Oct-11   13:30—14:45)
Chair: M. Mouat, TRIUMF, Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vancouver, Canada
Paper Title Page
The Control System for the FAIR facility – Project Status and Design Overview  
  • R. Bär
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  In the next few years the international accelerator complex FAIR (Facility for Anti-protons and Ion Research) will be erected at GSI, substantially extending the present GSI accelerators then being used as injectors. FAIR will provide anti-proton, ion, and rare isotope beams with unprecedented intensity and quality. For FAIR, a new accelerator control system is presently under development that addresses all aspects of the functionality to operate the GSI/FAIR machines and moreover integrates the present GSI control system infrastructure. One prominent challenge is the complex operation scheme with the handling and management of massive parallel beam operation which imposes ambitious demands on the timing and cycle management system. This presentation shortly summarizes the general status of the FAIR project and major challenges following from being an international project. We focus on the progress of the general control system design, system architecture, technology validation and choices, and integration of complete controls building blocks developed or adapted in the framework of collaborations. The presentation is supplemented by reporting our activities of retrofitting the present GSI control system stack to allow integration into the new FAIR controls environment.  
slides icon Slides FRCAUST01 [1.698 MB]  
FRCAUST02 Status of the CSNS Controls System 1341
  • C.H. Wang
    IHEP Beijing, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is planning to start construction in 2011 in China. The CSNS controls system will use EPICS as development platform. The scope of the controls system covers thousands of devices located in Linac, RCS and two transfer lines. The interface from the control system to the equipment will be through VME Power PC processors and embedded PLC as well as embedded IPC. The high level applications will choose XAL core and Eclipse platform. Oracle database is used to save historical data. This paper introduces controls preliminary design and progress. Some key technologies, prototypes,schedule and personnel plan are also discussed.  
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FRCAUST03 Status of the ESS Control System 1345
  • G. Trahern
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a high current proton LINAC to be built in Lund, Sweden. The LINAC delivers 5 MW of power to the target at 2500 MeV, with a nominal current of 50 mA. It is designed to include the ability to upgrade the LINAC to a higher power of 7.5 MW at a fixed energy of 2500 MeV. The Accelerator Design Update (ADU) collaboration of mainly European institutions will deliver a Technical Design Report at the end of 2012. First protons are expected in 2018, and first neutrons in 2019. The ESS will be constructed by a number of geographically dispersed institutions which means that a considerable part of control system integration will potentially be performed off-site. To mitigate this organizational risk, significant effort will be put into standardization of hardware, software, and development procedures early in the project. We have named the main result of this standardization the Control Box concept. The ESS will use EPICS, and will build on the positive distributed development experiences of SNS and ITER. Current state of control system design and key decisions are presented in the paper as well as immediate challenges and proposed solutions.
From PAC 2011 article
From IPAC 2010 article
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FRCAUST04 Status of the ASKAP Monitoring and Control System 1349
  • J.C. Guzman
    CSIRO ATNF, NSW, Australia
  The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder, or ASKAP, is CSIRO’s new radio telescope currently under construction at the Murchison Radio astronomy Observatory (MRO) in Mid West region of Western Australia. As well as being a world-leading telescope in its own right, ASKAP will be an important testbed for the Square Kilometre Array, a future international radio telescope that will be the world’s largest and most sensitive. This paper gives a status update of the ASKAP project and provides a detailed look at the initial deployment of the monitoring and control system as well as major issues to be addressed in future software releases before the start of system commissioning later this year.  
slides icon Slides FRCAUST04 [3.414 MB]  
Status of the LCLS  
  • H. Shoaee
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  The successful commissioning and initial series of experiments at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) have been the culmination of a significant effort to integrate new, state-of-the-art controls with legacy controls of the SLAC linac. The controls architecture consists of a distributed system of EPICS IOCs and Linux servers operating in conjunction with an older system consisting of centralized VMS facility, CAMAC fieldbus and Intel industrial front-end processors. A rich and burgeoning suite of high level Java and MATLAB applications provide data acquisition and analysis tools for diagnosing, tuning and optimizing the machine. A relational database unites the configuration control, online modeling and reference beam data. The AIDA middleware provides transparent access to data from either controls systems and has allowed engineers to migrate to new platforms without requiring changes to applications software. A recent upgrade of the legacy Linac controls includes a data bridge from the CAMAC system to VME IOCs which results in uniform EPICS channel access interface to entire LCLS controls data. One of the many design challenges has been to provide such data synchronously with the timing system on a pulse-by-pulse basis at 120 Hz to support beam-based feedback and other applications.  
slides icon Slides FRCAUST05 [9.684 MB]