Author: Wenninger, J.
Paper Title Page
WEPMU011 Automatic Injection Quality Checks for the LHC 1077
  • L.N. Drosdal, B. Goddard, R. Gorbonosov, S. Jackson, D. Jacquet, V. Kain, D. Khasbulatov, M. Misiowiec, J. Wenninger, C. Zamantzas
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  Twelve injections per beam are required to fill the LHC with the nominal filling scheme. The injected beam needs to fulfill a number of requirements to provide useful physics for the experiments when they take data at collisions later on in the LHC cycle. These requirements are checked by a dedicated software system, called the LHC injection quality check. At each injection, this system receives data about beam characteristics from key equipment in the LHC and analyzes it online to determine the quality of the injected beam after each injection. If the quality is insufficient, the automatic injection process is stopped, and the operator has to take corrective measures. This paper will describe the software architecture of the LHC injection quality check and the interplay with other systems. A set of tools for self-monitoring of the injection quality checks to achieve optimum performance will be discussed as well. Results obtained during the LHC commissioning year 2010 and the LHC run 2011 will finally be presented.  
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FRBHAULT01 Feed-forward in the LHC 1302
  • M. Pereira, X. Buffat, K. Fuchsberger, M. Lamont, G.J. Müller, S. Redaelli, R.J. Steinhagen, J. Wenninger
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The LHC operational cycle is comprised of several phases such as the ramp, the squeeze and stable beams. During the ramp and squeeze in particular, it has been observed that the behaviour of key LHC beam parameters such as tune, orbit and chromaticity are highly reproducible from fill to fill. To reduced the reliance on the crucial feedback systems, it was decided to perform fill-to-fill feed-forward corrections. The LHC feed-forward application was developed to ease the introduction of corrections to the operational settings. It retrieves the feedback system's corrections from the logging database and applies appropriate corrections to the ramp and squeeze settings. The LHC Feed-Forward software has been used during LHC commissioning and tune and orbit corrections during ramp have been successfully applied. As a result, the required real-time corrections for the above parameters have been reduced to a minimum.  
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