Paper | Title | Page |
TUAAULT02 | Tango Collaboration and Kernel Status | 533 |
This paper is divided in two parts. The first part summarises the main changes done within the Tango collaboration since the last Icalepcs conference. This will cover technical evolutions but also the new way our collaboration is managed. The second part will focus on the evolution of the so-called Tango event system (asynchronous communication between client and server). Since its beginning, within Tango, this type of communication is implemented using a CORBA notification service implementation called omniNotify. This system is currently re-written using zeromq as transport layer. Reasons of the zeromq choice will be detailed. A first feedback of the new implementation will be given. | ||
Slides TUAAULT02 [1.458 MB] | ||
TUCAUST03 | The Upgrade Programme for the ESRF Accelerator Control System | 570 |
To reach the goals specified in the ESRF upgrade program [1], for the new experiments to be built, the storage ring needs to be modified. The optics must to be changed to allow up to seven meter long straight sections and canted undulator set-ups. Better beam stabilization and feedback systems are necessary for the nano-focus experiments planned. Also we are undergoing a renovation and modernization phase to increase the lifetime of the accelerator and its control system. This paper resumes the major upgrade projects, like the new BPM system, the fast orbit feedback or the ultra small vertical emittance, and their implications on the control system. Ongoing modernization projects such as the solid state radio frequency amplifier or the HOM damped cavities are described. Software upgrades of several sub-systems like vacuum and insertion devices, which are planned for this year or for the long shutdown period beginning of 2012 are covered as well. The final goal is to move to a Tango only control system.
[1] |
Slides TUCAUST03 [1.750 MB] | ||
WEAAUST01 | Sardana: The Software for Building SCADAS in Scientific Environments | 607 |
Sardana is a software for supervision, control and data acquisition in large and small scientific installations. It delivers important cost and time reductions associated with the design, development and support of the control and data acquisition systems. It enhances Tango with the capabilities for building graphical interfaces without writing code, a powerful python-based macro environment for building sequences and complex macros, and a comprehensive access to the hardware. It scales well to small laboratories as well as to large scientific institutions. It has been commissioned for the control system of Accelerators and Beamlines at the Alba Synchrotron. | ||
Slides WEAAUST01 [6.978 MB] | ||