Author: Pflueger, J.     [Pflüger, J.]
Paper Title Page
MOPMU012 The Local Control System of an Undulator Cell for the European XFEL 450
  • S. Karabekyan, R. Pannier, J. Pflüger
    European XFEL GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
  • N. Burandt, J. Kuhn
    Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Verl, Germany
  • A. Schöps
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  The European XFEL project is a 4th generation light source. The first beam will be delivered in the beginning of 2015. At the project startup three light sources SASE 1, SASE 2 and SASE 3 will produce spatially coherent ≤80fs short photon pulses with a peak brilliance of 1032-1034 photons/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1% BW in the energy range from 0.26 to 24 keV at an electron beam energy 14 GeV. The Undulator systems are used to produce photon beams for SASE 1, SASE 2 and SASE 3. Each undulator system consists of an array of undulator cells installed in a row along the electron beam. The undulator cell itself consists of a planar undulator, a phase shifter, magnetic field correction coils and a quadrupole mover. The local control system of the undulator cell is based on industrial components produced by Beckhoff and on PLC software implemented in TwinCAT system. Four servo motors are installed on each undulator and control the gap between girders with micrometer accuracy. One stepper motor is used for phase shifter control, and two other stepper motors control the position of the quadrupole magnet. The current of magnetic field correction coils as well as the gap of the phase shifter are adjustable as a function of the undulator gap. The high level of synchronization (<<1μs) for the complete undulator system (for instance SASE2 with 35 undulator cells in total) could be achieved due to implementation of the EtherCAT fieldbus system in the local control. The description of the hardware components and the software functionality of the local control system will be discussed.  
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