Author: Lipp, J.D.
Paper Title Page
WEPMN011 Controlling the EXCALIBUR Detector 894
  • J.A. Thompson, I. Horswell, J. Marchal, U.K. Pedersen
    Diamond, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  • S.R. Burge, J.D. Lipp, T.C. Nicholls
    STFC/RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, United Kingdom
  EXCALIBUR is an advanced photon counting detector being designed and built by a collaboration of Diamond Light Source and the Science and Technology Facilities Council. It is based around 48 CERN Medipix III silicon detectors arranged as an 8x6 array. The main problem addressed by the design of the hardware and software is the uninterrupted collection and safe storage of image data at rates up to one hundred (2048x1536) frames per second. This is achieved by splitting the image into six 'stripes' and providing parallel data paths for them all the way from the detectors to the storage. This architecture requires the software to control the configuration of the stripes in a consistent manner and to keep track of the data so that the stripes can be subsequently stitched together into frames.  
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