Author: Kalantari, B.
Paper Title Page
MOPKS011 Beam Synchronous Data Acquisition for SwissFEL Test Injector 180
  • B. Kalantari, T. Korhonen
    Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  Funding: Paul Scherrer Institute
A 250 MeV injector facility at PSI has been constructed to study the scientific and technological challenges of the SwissFEL project. Since in such pulsed machines in principle every beam can have different characteristics, due to varying machine parameters and/or conditions, it is very crucial to be able to acquire and distinguish control system data from one pulse to the next. In this paper we describe the technique we have developed to perform beam synchronous data acquisition at 100 Hz rate. This has been particularly challenging since it has provided us with a reliable and real-time data acquisition method in a non real-time control system. We describe how this can be achieved by employing a powerful and flexible timing system with well defined interfaces to the control system.
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TUDAUST03 Control System in SwissFEL Injector Test Facility 593
  • M. Dach, D. Anicic, D.A. Armstrong, K. Bitterli, H. Brands, P. Chevtsov, F. Haemmerli, M. Heiniger, C.E. Higgs, W. Hugentobler, G. Janser, G. Jud, B. Kalantari, R. Kapeller, T. Korhonen, R.A. Krempaska, M.P. Laznovsky, T. Pal, W. Portmann, D. Vermeulen, E. Zimoch
    Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  The Free Electron Laser (SwissFEL) Test Facility is an important milestone for realization of a new SwissFEL facility. The first beam in the Test Facility was produced on the 24th of August 2010 which inaugurated the operation of the Injector. Since then, beam quality in various aspects has been greatly improved. This paper presents the current status of the Test Facility and is focused on the control system related issues which led to the successful commissioning. In addition, the technical challenges and opportunities in view of the future SwissFEL facility are discussed.  
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MOCAUIO04 The SESAME Project 31
  • A. Nadji, S. Abu Ghannam, Z. Qazi, I. Saleh
    SESAME, Amman, Jordan
  • P. Betinelli-Deck, L.S. Nadolski
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • J.-F. Gournay
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • M.T. Heron
    Diamond, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  • H. Hoorani
    NCP, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • B. Kalantari
    PSI, Villigen, Switzerland
  • E. D. Matias, G. Wright
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) is a third generation synchrotron light source under construction near Amman (Jordan), which is expected to begin operation in 2015. SESAME will foster scientific and technological excellence in the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, build scientific bridges between neighbouring countries and foster mutual understanding through international cooperation. The members of SESAME are currently Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey. An overview about the progress of the facility and the general plan will be given in this talk. Then I will focus on the control system by explaining how this part is managed: the technical choice, the main deadlines, the local staff, the international virtual control team, and the first results.  
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