Author: Jin, D.P.
Paper Title Page
MOPMU011 The Design Status of CSNS Experimental Control System 446
  • J. Zhuang, Y.P. Chu, L.B. Ding, L. Hu, D.P. Jin, J.J. Li, Y.L. Liu, Y.Q. Liu, Y.H. Zhang, Z.Y. Zhang, K.J. Zhu
    IHEP Beijing, Bejing, People's Republic of China
  To meet the increasing demand from user community, China decided to build a world-class spallation neutron source, called CSNS(China Spallation Neutron Source). It can provide users a neutron scattering platform with high flux, wide wavelength range and high efficiency. CSNS construction is expected to start in 2011 and will last 6.5 years. The control system of CSNS is divided into accelerator control system and experimental control system. CSNS Experimental Control System is based on EPICS architecture, offering device operating and device debug interface, communication between devices, environment monitor, machine and people protection, interface for accelerator system, control system monitor and database service. The all control system is divided into 4 parts, such as front control layer, Epics global control layer, database and network service. The front control layer is based on YOKOGAWA PLC and other controllers. Epics layer provides all system control and information exchange. Embedded PLC YOKOGAWA RP61 is considered used as communication node between front layer and EPICS layer. Database service provides system configuration and historical data. From the experience of BESIII, MySQL is a option. The system will be developed in Dongguan , Guangdong p province and Beijing, so VPN will be used to help development. Now,there are 9 people working on this system. The system design is completed. We are working on a prototype system now.  
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WEPKN027 The Performance Test of F3RP61 and Its Applications in CSNS Experimental Control System 763
  • J. Zhuang, Y.P. Chu, D.P. Jin, J.J. Li
    IHEP Beijing, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  F3RP61 is an embedded PLC developed by Yokogawa, Japan. It is based on PowerPC 8347 platform. Linux and EPICS can run on it. We do some tests on this device, including CPU performance, network performance, CA access time and scan time stability of EPICS. We also compare E3RP61 with MVME5100, which is most used IOC in BEPCII. After the tests and comparison, the performance and ability of F3RP61 is clear. It can be used in Experiment Control System of CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) as communication nodes between front control layer and Epics layer. And in some cases, F3RP61 also has the ability to exert more functions such as control tasks.  
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