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MOPMU030 |
Control System for Linear Induction Accelerator LIA-2: the Structure and Hardware |
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- G.A. Fatkin, P.A. Bak, A.M. Batrakov, P.V. Logachev, A. Panov, A.V. Pavlenko, V.Ya. Sazansky
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Power Linear Induction Accelerator (LIA) for flash radiography is commissioned in Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP) in Novosibirsk. It is a facility producing pulsed electron beam with energy 2 MeV, current 1 kA and spot size less than 2 mm. Beam quality and reliability of facility are required for radiography experiments. Features and structure of distributed control system ensuring these demands are discussed. Control system hardware based on CompactPCI and PMC standards is embedded directly into power pulsed generators. CAN-BUS and Ethernet are used as interconnection protocols. Parameters and essential details for measuring equipment and control electronics produced in BINP and available COTS are presented. The first results of the control system commissioning, reliability and hardware vitality are discussed.
Poster MOPMU030 [43.133 MB]