Keyword: klystron
Paper Title Other Keywords Page
S04SRS01 Digital Control of the Superconducting Cavities for the LEP Energy Upgrade cavity, controls, operation, software 159
  • G. Cavallari, E. Ciapala
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
  The superconducting (SC) cavities for the LEP200 energy upgrade will be installed in units of 16 as for the present copper cavity system. Similar equipment will be used for RF power generation and distribution, for the low level RF system and for digital control. The SC cavities and their associated equipment however require different interface hardware and new control software. To simplify routine operation control of the SC cavity units is made to resemble as closely as possible that of the existing units. Specific controls for the SC cavities at the equipment level, the facilities available and the integration of the SC cavity units into the LEP RF control system are described.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS1991-S04SRS01  
About • Received ※ 11 November 1991 — Accepted ※ 20 November 1991 — Issued ※ 04 December 1992  
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S04SRS06 Instrumentation & Control System For PLS-IM-T 60 MeV LINAC controls, software, linac, interface 177
  • D.K. Liu, K.R. Yei, H.J. Cheng, L.P. Yang, C.Z. Chuang, W. Yue, P. Lu, Y.H. Su, Q. Lin, H. Huang
    IHEP, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  The PLS/ MT is a 60 MeV LINAC as a preinjector for 2 GeV LINAC of PLS project. The instrumentation and control system have been designed under the institutional collaboration between the IHEP (Beijing, China) and POSTECH (Pohang, Korea). So far, the I&C system are being set up nowadays at the POSTECH of Pohang. This paper describes its major characteristics and present status.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS1991-S04SRS06  
About • Received ※ 11 November 1991 — Accepted ※ 20 November 1991 — Issued ※ 04 December 1992  
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S10TS02 Injection Timing System for PLS timing, injection, gun, kicker 349
  • S.-S. Chang, S.J. Choi, M.S. Kim, W. Namkung, S.Y. Park, S.C. Won
    PAL, Pohang, Republic of Korea
  The ultimate goal of the PLS timing system is to successfully inject a electron bunch to a predesigned bucket in the Storage Ring. In the Linac, a pretrigger of 102.8 microseconds prior to the Gun trigger may be required to charge the pulsed divces properly and it should be precisely delayed to synchronize with beam pass at each accelerating column. To inject the electron bunch, which fully accelerated in the Linac, into a target bucket of SR, the injection kicker magnets must be energized to provide the appropriate magnetic field. For the sequential filling of the SR buckets, the appropriate timing delays throughout the entire timing system are programmable controlled by operator.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS1991-S10TS02  
About • Received ※ 11 November 1991 — Accepted ※ 20 November 1991 — Issued ※ 04 December 1992  
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S12FC04 Feedback Systems for Local Control of Race Track Microtron RF Accelerating Sections controls, feedback, resonance, power-supply 424
  • A.S. Chepurnov, I.V. Gribov, S.Yu. Morozov, A.V. Shumakov, S.V. Zinoviev
    MSU, Moscow, Russia
  In order to obtain an electron beam with an excellent energy resolution and stable characteristics, a tight control of the amplitude and phase of the field in all rf accelerating sections is required. The high rf power level, dissipated in the accelerating section (AS), together with temperature dependence of the AS resonance frequency caused the creation of the original control system of resonance frequency. Amplitude, phase and resonance frequency local feedback control system have been designed. All systems are computer controlled analogue single loops. The control loops guarantee stable, repeatable amplitudes (10-1 relative error), phases (± 0.5°) of the rf fields in AS, resonance frequency of AS (± 2 kHz) and have optimal bandwidth. A model of feedback loops has been developed that agrees well with measurements.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS1991-S12FC04  
About • Received ※ 02 December 1991 — Accepted ※ 02 January 1992 — Issued ※ 04 December 1992  
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S13MMI13 Correlation Plot Facility in the SLC Control System controls, software, interface, feedback 493
  • L. Hendrickson, S. Clark, N. Phinney, L. Sanchez-Chopitea
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported by Department of Energy contract DE-AC03-76SF00515.
The Correlation Plot facility is a powerful interactive tool for data acquisition and analysis throughout the SLC. This generalized interface allows the user to perform a range of operations or machine physics experiments without the need for any specialized analysis software. The user may step one or more independent parameters, such as magnet or feedback setpoints, while measuring or calculating up to 160 other parameters. Measured variables include all analog signals available to the control system, as well as calculated parameters such as beam size, luminosity, or emittance. Various fitting algorithms and display options are provided. A software-callable interface has been provided so that a host of applications can call this package for analysis and display. Such applications regularly phase klystrons, measure emittance and dispersion, minimize beam size, and maintain beam collisions at the interact ion point.
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS1991-S13MMI13  
About • Received ※ 11 November 1991 — Accepted ※ 20 November 1991 — Issued ※ 04 December 1992  
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S17AIA01 Development of a Diagnostic System for Klystron Modulators Using a Neural Network controls, linac, network, diagnostics 558
  • M. Mutoh, T. Oonuma, Y. Shibasaki
    Tohoku University, School of Science, Sendai, Japan
  • I. Abe, K. Nakahara
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  The diagnostic system for klystron modulators using a neural network has been developed. Large changes in the voltage and current of the main circuit in a klystron modulator were observed just several ten milli-seconds before the modulator experienced trouble. These changes formed a peculiar pattern that depended on the parts with problems. Diagnosis was possible by means of pattern recognition. The recognition test of patterns using a neural network has shown good results. This system, which is built in a linac control system, is presently being operated so as to collect new trouble patterns and to carry out tests for practical use.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS1991-S17AIA01  
About • Received ※ 11 November 1991 — Accepted ※ 20 November 1991 — Issued ※ 04 December 1992  
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