Paper | Title | Page |
WEP048 | Coherent Undulator Radiation From a Kicked Electron Beam | 515 |
The properties of off-axis radiation from an electron beam that has been kicked off axis are relevant to recent Delta undualtor experiments at LCLS. We calculate the coherent emission from a microbunched beam in the far-field, and compare with simulation. We also present a mechanism for microbunches to tilt toward a new direction of propagation. | ||
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WEP073 | Lie Map Formalism for FEL Simulation | 557 |
Funding: U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 Undulator averaging and non-averaging are in compromisation between computational speed and reliability. It is hard to catch the advantages of the both methods simultaneously. In this report, we present a method that compromises the between the averaging and non-averaging methods through Lie map formalism. |
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WEP074 | Simulations of the Dependence of Harmonic Radiation on Undulator Parameters | 560 |
Funding: This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. The flux and bandwidth of radiation produced at harmonics of the fundamental are very sensitive to the undulator parameter, and thus the beam energy or undulator period. We look at high-energy XFELs with parameters relevant to the MaRIE FEL design. Both SASE and seeded FELs are considered. |
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Poster WEP074 [0.414 MB] | |
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WEP078 | Period-Averaged Symplectic Maps for the FEL Hamiltonian | 563 |
Funding: This work was carried out with support for the United State Department of Energy, Office of Scientific Research, under SBIR contract number DE-SC0017161. Conventional treatments of synchrotron radiation in electron beams treat the radiation as a non-Hamiltonian aspect to the beam dynamics. However, the radiation can be modeled with an electromagnetic Hamiltonian. We present a period-averaged treatment of the FEL problem which includes the Hamiltonian aspects of the coupled electron-radiation dynamics. This approach is then applied to two problems: a 3D split-operator symplectic integrator, and a 1D single-mode FEL treated using Hamiltonian perturbation theory. |
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FRB01 | Time-Domain Analysis of Attosecond Pulse Generation in an X-Ray Free-Electron Laser | 569 |
The method of enhanced self-amplified spontaneous emission (eSASE) is one of the strongest candidates for the generation of sub-femtosecond X-ray pulses in a free-electron laser. The optimization of an eSASE experiment involves many independent parameters, which makes the exploration of the parameter space with 3-D simulations computationally intensive. Therefore, a robust theoretical analysis of this problem is extremely desirable. We provide a self-consistent, analytical treatment of such a configuration using a one-dimensional, time-dependent FEL model that includes the key effects of linear e-beam chirp and linear undulator taper. Verified via comparison with numerical simulation, our formalism is also utilized in parameter studies that seek to determine the optimum setup of the FEL. | ||
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FRB02 |
Theory and Simulation of FELs with Planar, Helical, and Elliptical Undulators | |
Free-electron lasers (FELs) that produce different polarizations of the output radiation ranging from linear through elliptic to circular polarization are currently under study. In particular, elliptic polarizations are undergoing increased interest. In this paper, we develop an analytic model of the resonant wavelength and JJ-factor for an elliptic undulator as well as both one- and three-dimensional, time-dependent formulations that are capable of simulating elliptic undulators using the PUFFIN and MINERVA simulation codes.*,** We present an analytic model of an APPLE-II undulator that is capable of modeling arbitrary elliptic polarizations, and discuss examples of simulation results.
* J. Henderson, L. Campbell, H. Freund, and B. McNeil, New J. Phys. 18, 062003 (2016). ** H. Freund, P. van der Slot, D. Grimminck, I. Setya, and P. Falgari, New J. Phys. 19, 023020 (2017). |
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Slides FRB02 [0.574 MB] | |
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FRB03 | Dynamics of Superradiant Emission by a Prebunched E-Beam and its Spontaneous Emission Self-Interaction | 572 |
Funding: Partial support by US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) and by Deutsche-Israelische Projektkooperation (DIP). In the context of radiation emission from an electron beam, Dicke's superradiance (SR) is the enhanced coherent spontaneous radiation emission from a prebunched beam, and Stimulated-Superradiance (ST-SR) is the further enhanced emission of the bunched beam in the presence of a phase-matched radiation wave.* These processes are analyzed for undulator radiation in the framework of radiation field mode-excitation theory. In the nonlinear saturation regime the synchronicity of the bunched beam and an injected radiation wave may be sustained by wiggler tapering: Tapering-Enhanced Superradiance (TES) and Tapering-Enhanced Stimulated Superradiance Amplification (TESSA).** Identifying these processes is useful for understanding the enhancement of radiative emission in the tapered wiggler section of seeded FELs.***,**** The nonlinear formulation of the energy transfer dynamics between the radiation wave and the bunched beam fully conserves energy. This includes conservation of energy without radiation reaction terms in the interesting case of spontaneous self-interaction (no input radiation). * A. Gover, Phys. Rev. ST-AB 8, 030701 (2005). ** J. Duris et al., New J.Phys. 17 063036 (2015). *** E. A. Schneidmiller et al., PRST-AB 18, 03070 (2015). **** C. Emma et al., this conference. |
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FRB04 | Canonical Formulation of 1D FEL Theory Revisited, Quantized and Applied to Electron Evolution | 576 |
An original FEL theory relied on quantum analysis of photon generation by relativistic electrons in alternating magnetic field.* In most cases, however, the system of pendulum equations for non-canonical variables and the theory of classical electromagnetism proved to be adequate. As XFELs advance to higher energy photons, quantum effects of electron recoil and shot noise has to be considered. This work presents quantization procedure based on the Hamiltonian formulation of an XFEL interaction in 1D case. The procedure relates the conventional variables to canonical coordinates and momenta and does not require the transformation to the Bambini-Renieri frame.** The relation of a field operator to a photon annihilation operator reveals the meaning of the quantum FEL parameter, introduced by Bonifacio, as a number of photons emitted by a single electron before the saturation takes place.*** The quantum description is then applied to study how quantum nature of electrons affects the startup of XFEL and how quantum electrons become indistinguishable from a classical ensemble of electrons due to their interaction with a ponderomotive potential of an XFEL.
* Madey JMJ 1971 J. Appl. Phys. 42 1906 13. ** Bambini A and Renieri A 1978 Lett. Nuovo Cimento 21 399-404. *** Bonifacio R, Piovella N, Robb G R M and Schiavi A 2006 PRSTAB 9 090701. |
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FRB05 | Wide Bandwidth, Frequency Modulated Free Electron Laser | 581 |
The resonant frequency of a free electron laser may be modulated via the undulator or electron beam parameters. This modulation may generate sidebands which can subsequently undergo amplification, analogous to frequency modulation in a conventional cavity laser. However, due to the relative slippage of the light through the relativistic electron beam, the FM-FEL system has a more complex behavior than its conventional laser counterpart. The system may be described in the linear regime by a summation over exponential gain modes, allowing the amplification of multiple light frequencies simultaneously. It is found that, with only small, few percent variations of the FEL parameters, one may generate and amplify multiple modes within a frequency bandwidth which greatly exceeds that of normal FEL operation. | ||
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