Author: Anders, W.
Paper Title Page
MOPFI003 SRF Photoinjector Cavity for BERLinPro 285
  • A. Neumann, W. Anders, A. Burrill, A. Frahm, T. Kamps, J. Knobloch, O. Kugeler
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • E.N. Zaplatin
    FZJ, Jülich, Germany
  For the funded BERLinPro project, a 100 mA CW-driven SRF energy recovery linac, a SRF photoinjector cavity has to be developed which delivers a small emittance, 1 mm*mr, high brightness beam while accelerating a high average current within given high power limitations. To achieve these goals the injector is being developed in a three stage approach. In the current design step a cavity shape was developed which fulfills the beam dynamics requirements, implements a high quantum efficiency normal conducting photocathode with the HZDR choke and insert design and allows for beam studies at currents up to 4 mA. This paper will describe the RF design process, higher order mode studies and final mechanical calculations prior to the cavity production.  
WEPWO002 RF Measurements of the 1.6 Cell Lead/Niobium Photoinjector in HoBiCaT 2313
  • A. Burrill, W. Anders, T. Kamps, J. Knobloch, O. Kugeler, P. Lauinger, A. Neumann
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • P. Kneisel
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • R. Nietubyć
    NCBJ, Świerk/Otwock, Poland
  • J.K. Sekutowicz
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  The development of a simple and robust SRF photoinjector capable of delivering up to 1 mA average current in c.w. operation continues to progress with the horizontal RF testing of the 1.6 cell Pb/Nb hybrid photoinjector. This injector utilizes a sputtered lead coating on a removable Nb cathode plug as the photoelectron source and has recently been tested in the horizontal test cryostat facility, HoBiCaT, at HZB. In this paper we will report on the status of these RF measurements and compare the performance to previous vertical RF tests performed at JLab. We will also report on the experience operating this cavity with a TTF-III high power RF input coupler, as well as provide a summary of the microphonics susceptibility now that it has been installed into a helium vessel and equipped with a Saclay style tuner.  
WEPWO009 Numerical Coupling Analyses of BERLinPro SRF Gun 2328
  • E.N. Zaplatin
    FZJ, Jülich, Germany
  • W. Anders, A. Burrill, T. Kamps, J. Knobloch, O. Kugeler, A. Neumann
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  BERLinPro is an approved ERL project to demonstrate energy recovery at 100 mA beam current by pertaining a high quality beam. These goals place stringent requirements on the SRF cavity (1300 MHz, β=1) for the photoinjector which has to deliver a small emittance 100 mA beam with at least 1.8 MeV kinetic energy while limited by fundamental power coupler performance to about 230 kW forward power. The RF and beam dynamics gun cavity features 1.4 λ/2 cell resonator. We present results of mechanical structure developments of SRF gun. The main purpose of the whole structure optimization was the design of the gun helium vessel together with the tuner and stiffening rings to provide the simple construction for structure tuning with minimization of the cavity frequency dependence on external pressure. During the resonator tuning and external load structure deformations the cavity field profile variation along the beam path should stay within 5%.