Author: Tyukhtin, A.V.
Paper Title Page
TUPPR067 Electromagnetic Field of Charged Particle Bunch Moving in Wire Metamaterial 1975
  • V.V. Vorobev, A.V. Tyukhtin
    Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  Funding: Saint Petersburg State University
We consider the field of bunch flying through a "wire metamaterial". Analytical and computational investigations are carried out. In the case of motion perpendicularly to the wires it is shown that the radiation concentrates in a small vicinity of the determined lines behind the bunch and the Pointing vector is directed along the wires. This phenomenon can be useful for charged bunch examination. Some calculations show that the measurements of electrical field intensity and energy flow density allow determining the length of the bunch and its velocity. The case of bunch moving along the wires is also examined. It is shown that the radiation can be generated only for the wires possessing non-conducting coating. The radiation is directed at a sharp angle to the wires.
WEPPP023 Radiation of a Bunch Intersecting a Boundary between Vacuum and Dielectric in a Circular Waveguide 2772
  • T.Yu. Alekhina, A.V. Tyukhtin
    Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  Funding: Saint Petersburg State University
Analysis of a field of a particle bunch in a waveguide loaded with a dielectric is important for the wakefield acceleration technique and for other problems in accelerator physics. We investigate the field of the bunch crossing a boundary between two dielectrics in a circular waveguide. We take into account the finite length of the bunch and analyze both the field structure and the energy loss. Special attention is paid to two cases: the bunch flies from vacuum into dielectric and from dielectric into vacuum. In the first case, investigation of formation of stationary wakefield is of interest (this is important for the wakefield acceleration technique). In the second case, quasi monochromatic wave is generated in the vacuum region. This effect can be used for elaboration of a quasi-monochromatic radiation generator of new type. In both cases we also study dynamics of the energy loss of the bunch.
* T.Yu. Alekhina, A.V. Tyukhtin. Proc. of IPAC2011, San Sebastian, Spain, WEPZ012, p. 2793 (2011).
WEPPP024 Cherenkov Radiation from a Small Bunch Moving in a Cold Magnetized Plasma 2775
  • S.N. Galyamin, D.Y. Kapshtan, A.V. Tyukhtin
    Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  Funding: Saint Petersburg State University.
Investigation of the bunch radiation in plasma is important for the plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA) technique and other applications in accelerator physics. We study the electromagnetic field of small relativistic bunch moving in a magnetized cold plasma along the magnetic field. The energy loss of the bunch was investigated earlier, however the structure of electromagnetic field was not analyzed. We perform analytical and numerical investigation of total field. Different equivalent representations for the field components are obtained. One of them allows separating quasistatic field and radiation one. Method of computation is developed as well. Some interesting physical effects are described. One of them is strong increase of some components of radiation field near the charge motion line (in the case of point charge). The case of a charged disc is considered as well. Prospects of use of obtained results for PWFA are discussed.