Author: Elliott, K.
Paper Title Page
MOOAC03 Superconducting Resonators Development for the FRIB and ReA Linacs at MSU: Recent Achievements and Future Goals 61
  • A. Facco
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  • E.C. Bernard, J. Binkowski, C. Compton, J.L. Crisp, L.J. Dubbs, K. Elliott, A. Facco, L.L. Harle, M. Hodek, M.J. Johnson, D. Leitner, M. Leitner, I.M. Malloch, S.J. Miller, R. Oweiss, J. Popielarski, L. Popielarski, K. Saito, J. Wei, J. Wlodarczak, Y. Xu, Y. Zhang, Z. Zheng
    FRIB, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
  • A. Burrill, G.K. Davis, K. Macha, A.V. Reilly
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  Funding: This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661
The superconducting driver and post-accelerator linacs of the FRIB project, the large scale radioactive beam facility under construction at MSU, require the construction of about 400 low-beta Quarter-wave (QWR) and Half-wave resonators (HWR) with four different optimum velocities. 1st and 2nd generation prototypes of β=0.041 and 0.085 QWRs and β=0.53 HWRs have been built and tested, and have more than fulfilled the FRIB and ReA design goals. The present cavity surface preparation at MSU allowed production of low-beta cavities nearly free from field emission. The first two cryostats of β=0.041 QWRs are now in operation in the ReA3 linac. A 3rd generation design of the FRIB resonators allowed to further improve the cavity parameters, reducing the peak magnetic field in operation and increasing the possible operation gradient , with consequent reduction of the number of required resonators. The construction of the cavities for FRIB, which includes three phases for each cavity type (development, pre-production and production runs) has started. Cavity design, construction, treatment and performance will be described and discussed.
Michigan State University designs and establishes FRIB as a DOE Office of Science National User Facility in support of the mission of the Office of Nuclear Physics.
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WEPPC065 Cleanroom Techniques to Improve Surface Cleanliness and Repeatability for SRF Coldmass Production 2357
  • L. Popielarski, L.J. Dubbs, K. Elliott, I.M. Malloch, R. Oweiss, J. Popielarski
    FRIB, East Lansing, USA
  Funding: Work supported by US DOE Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661 and Michigan State University.
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) and ReA linear accelerator projects at Michigan State University (MSU) utilize Superconducting Radio-Frequency (SRF) cavities for their accelerating structures. The structures are cleaned and assembled in a cleanroom to reduce particle contamination. The project requires more than 350 SRF cavities. In preparation for production we want to maximize repeatable processes and reduce work time. The cleanroom assembly group at MSU investigates process techniques performed in the cleanroom. Various diagnostic tools; such as liquid particle counter, surface particle counter and airborne particle counter are used to quantify environments and optimize processes. We desire to define procedure specifications for cleaner processes and repeatability. We investigate effective part cleaning and storage, high pressure rinse and ultra pure water quality, and critical component rinsing. We study vacuum assembly, pump down and purge effects. The experiments are independent of cavity results with a focus to create cleanest surface and environment in the most effective manner. In this paper, we describe experiments, summarize the results and conclusions.
WEPPC066 Niobium Reaction Kinetics: An Investigation into the Reactions Between Buffered Chemical Polish and Niobium and the Impact on SRF Cavity Etching 2360
  • I.M. Malloch, L.J. Dubbs, K. Elliott, R. Oweiss, L. Popielarski
    FRIB, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
  Funding: Work supported by US DOE Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661 and Michigan State University.
In the SRF community, there is no definitive agreement on the precise reaction mechanism in the etching of niobium cavities by buffered chemical polish (BCP) mixtures. As a consequence, it is difficult to predict the heat produced during cavity etching. To gain a better understanding of the reaction kinetics of niobium and BCP, calorimetry experiments were performed to establish an experimental heat of reaction, and research was performed to determine a reasonable reaction scheme to allow for calculation of the theoretical heat of reaction. The results of the calorimetry experiments were in excellent agreement with one another and with the theoretical value. These results will allow for more accurate estimation of etch removal amounts on cavities without the need to perform time-intensive etch rate tests. Applying the experimental data to pre and post cavity etch ultrasonic thickness measurements has shown a significant improvement in the predictability of etch removal amounts in Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) half-wave and quarter-wave resonators, and will allow for more reliable heat removal and prevention of Q-disease during other cavity etching procedures.