Paper | Title | Page |
ERL-based Electron-Ion Colliders | |
Two of future proposed electron-ion colliders are based on ERL-technology: LHeC at CERN and eRHIC at BNL. The talk covers technological aspects of using recirculating ERLs to deliver high current-high energy electron beam for EIC experiments and related challenges. | ||
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A FFAG-ERL at Cornell, a BNL/Cornell Collaboration | |
Cornell University has prototyped technology essential for any high-brightness electron ERL. This includes a DC gun and an SRF injector Linac, a high-current CW cryomodule, a high-power beam stop, and several diagnostics tools for high-current and high-brightness beams. All these are now available to equip a one-cryomodule ERL, and laboratory space has been cleared out and is radiation shielded to install this ERL at Cornell. BNL has designed a multi-turn ERL for eRHIC where beam is transported 22 times around the RHIC tunnel. The number of transport lines is minimized by using two non-scaling FFAG arcs. A collaboration between BNL and Cornell has been formed to investigate the new NS-FFAG optics of this design, built with permanent magnets, and to commission the unprecedented multi-turn ERL operation. This collaboration plans to install a NS-FFAG return loop and the associated optics-matching sections at Cornell’s one-cryomodule ERL. This FFAG-ERL will be installed in several stages, each of which investigates crutial parts of this new design. | ||
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Slides MOPBTH005 [14.410 MB] | |
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MOPDTH014 | Status and Commissioning Results of the R&D ERL at BNL | 10 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy An ampere class 20 MeV superconducting Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) is presently under commissioning at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) for testing of concepts relevant for high-energy coherent electron cooling and electron-ion colliders. The injector subsystems tests and installation were finished in fall 2013. The injector includes: SRF photoelectron gun with 1 MW amplifier, 10W green drive-laser system, multi-alkaline cathode deposition system, cathode transport system, beam instrumentation and control. * The first photo current from ERL SRF gun has been observed in fall 2014 after second attempt. Completion of the ERL returning loop components installation is scheduled for April 2015 following full power ERL commissioning. After ERL commissioning in BLDG912 the ERL will be relocated to RHIC IP2 to be used as low energy RHIC electron cooler. * D.Kayran et al., First test results from SRF photoinjector for the R&D ERL at BNL, IPAC'14, pp. 748-750 |
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WG2 Beam Dynamics Challenges in ERLs | |
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Slides TUPATH020 [2.694 MB] | |
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TUIBLH2024 |
eRHIC: An Efficient Multi-Pass ERL Based on FFAG Return Arcs | |
The proposed eRHIC electron-hadron collider uses a "non-scaling FFAG" lattice to recirculate 16 turns of different energy through just two beamlines located in the RHIC tunnel. This paper presents lattices for these two FFAGs that are optimised for low magnet field and to minimise total synchrotron radiation across the energy range. The higher number of recirculations in the FFAG allows a shorter linac (1.322GeV) to be used, drastically reducing cost, while still achieving a 21.2GeV maximum energy to collide with one of the existing RHIC hadron rings at up to 250GeV. eRHIC uses many cost-saving measures in addition to the FFAG: the linac operates in energy recovery mode, so the beams also decelerate via the same FFAG loops and energy is recovered from the interacted beam. All magnets will constructed from NdFeB permanent magnet material, meaning chillers and large magnet power supplies are not needed. This paper also describes a smaller prototype ERL-FFAG accelerator that will test all of these technologies in combination to reduce technical risk for eRHIC. | ||
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TUIBLH2025 |
Correction Methods for Multi-Pass eRHIC Lattice With Large Chromaticity | |
Funding: The work was performed under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The linear non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) design for eRHIC presents challenges as well as advantages. In this report, the challenge on orbit and optics corrections for eRHIC will be discussed and the solutions will be presented as well. |
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TUIBLH2027 | Tracking Studies in eRHIC Energy-Recovery Recirculator | 20 |
This paper gives a brief overview of various beam and spin dynamics investigations undertaken in the framework of the design studies regarding the FFAG lattice based electron energy recovery re-circulator ring of the eRHIC electron-ion collider project. | ||
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TUIDLH2041 |
Aspects of eRHIC Longitudinal Dynamics | |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. eRHIC adopts FFAG multi-pass ERL as its electron accelerator to provide up to 21.2 GeV electron beam. It takes 12 passes to reach 15.9 GeV and 16 passes to reach 21.2 GeV. The longitudinal dynamics of eRHIC ERL is essential to ensure the energy recovery efficiency and prevention of beam loss. We will present the results of the start to end simulation study for eRHIC ERL, to address this issue. |
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WEIDLH1002 | The Optics of the Low Energy FFAG Cell of the eRHIC Collider Using Realistic Fields | 80 |
Funding: Work supported by the Department of Energy. The proposed eRHIC [1] accelerator accelerates the electron bunches to a maximum energy of 21.2 GeV. This is accomplished by the use of an 1.3 GeV Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) and two FFAG arcs which recirculate the electron bunches 16 times through the (ERL) to achieve the top energy of 21.2 GeV to collide with the hadron beam. After the interaction the e-bunches decelerate down to injection energy of 12 MeV and are sent to the beam dump. In this talk we will discuss the 3D electromagnetic field calculations and the beam optics of the low energy FFAG cell using realistic field maps obtained from the 3d OPERA [2] calculations. [1] [2] Vector Fields Inc. |
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THPCTH076 | ERL Beam Dynamics and Optics: A Summary of Working Group 2 at the ERL Workshop 2015 | 107 |
The 45thAdvanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs, hosted by the Brookhaven National Labo- ratory, was held at the Stony Brook University Campus, June 7-12, 2015. It was the sixth in the series of international workshops covering accelerator physics and technology of Energy Recovery Linacs. The workshop was organized into five working groups. Working group 2 (WG2) covered beam dynamics and optics issues of ERLs in operation as well as of proposed and future ones. Key aspects of some representatively selected talks together with the outcome of the working group discussion are summarized in this report. | ||
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