Paper | Title | Page |
A FFAG-ERL at Cornell, a BNL/Cornell Collaboration | |
Cornell University has prototyped technology essential for any high-brightness electron ERL. This includes a DC gun and an SRF injector Linac, a high-current CW cryomodule, a high-power beam stop, and several diagnostics tools for high-current and high-brightness beams. All these are now available to equip a one-cryomodule ERL, and laboratory space has been cleared out and is radiation shielded to install this ERL at Cornell. BNL has designed a multi-turn ERL for eRHIC where beam is transported 22 times around the RHIC tunnel. The number of transport lines is minimized by using two non-scaling FFAG arcs. A collaboration between BNL and Cornell has been formed to investigate the new NS-FFAG optics of this design, built with permanent magnets, and to commission the unprecedented multi-turn ERL operation. This collaboration plans to install a NS-FFAG return loop and the associated optics-matching sections at Cornell’s one-cryomodule ERL. This FFAG-ERL will be installed in several stages, each of which investigates crutial parts of this new design. | ||
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Slides MOPBTH005 [14.410 MB] | |
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WEIBLH2053 |
Cornell's ERL Main Linac Cryomodule: Design, Construction and Results | |
Cornell University has finished building a 10 m long superconducting accelerator module as a prototype of the main linac of a proposed ERL facility. This module houses 6 superconducting cavities- operated at 1.8 K in continuous wave (CW) mode - with individual HOM absorbers and one magnet/ BPM section. In pushing the limits, a high quality factor of the cavities (2•1010) and high beam currents (100 mA accelerated plus 100 mA decelerated) were targeted. We will review the design shortly and present the results of the components tested before the assembly. This includes data of the quality-factors of all 6 cavities that we produced and treated in-house, the HOM absorber performance measured with beam on a test set-up as well as testing of the couplers and the tuners. | ||
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WEICLH1059 |
An Inverse Compton Scattering Beamline for High-Energy, Time-Resolved X-Ray Scattering Studies of Materials | |
If constructed, the Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) based on a Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) lattice proposed by Cornell University and Brookhaven National Laboratory would provide a unique opportunity to implement a variant of the MIT inverse Compton source concept.* Such a source could deliver an intense (6x1014 ph/sec), high repetition-rate (100MHz) beam of short pulses (0.05 – 2 ps) of hard x-rays (155 keV) with 1% bandwidth. We will review the generic design, major technical choices, and some potential scientific applications of such a x-ray facility.
*W. S. Graves, W. Brown, F. X. Kaertner, and D. E. Moncton, "MIT inverse Compton source concept," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 608 (1, Supplement 1), S103-S105 (2009). |
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WEICLH1060 |
Particle Physics Experiments with Cornell's FFAG ERL | |
Cornell University has prototyped technology essential for any high-brightness electron ERL, including a DC gun and an SRF injector Linac, a high-current CW cryomodule, a high-power beam stop, and diagnostics tools. All these are now available to equip a one-cryomodule ERL, and laboratory space for a 300MeV, 40mA ERL is available at Cornell. This beam of high current at moderate energies opens new experimental regimes for nuclear and high-energy physics. This presentation will discuss the 4-turn single-cryomodule ERL, space for detectors, and the internal target and optimal target densities for several experiments. | ||
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Slides WEICLH1060 [1.970 MB] | |
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THIALH2071 |
Detection and Clearing of Trapped Ions in the High Current Cornell Photoinjector | |
Funding: DOE Nuclear Physics award DE-SC0012493 We evaluate the effectiveness of three ion-clearing strategies in the Cornell high intensity photoinjector: DC clearing electrodes, bunch gaps, and beam shaking. We present data from recent experiments where we directly measured the residual trapped ion density while employing these clearing methods. Several theoretical models have been developed to estimate the ion creation and clearing rates. The data is well explained by two independent simulation codes that track the motion of ions trapped in the electric field generated by the beam. |
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