Keyword: extraction
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MOPOB57 Wakefield Excitation in Power Extraction Cavity of Co-Linear X-Band Energy Booster in Time Domain With ACE3P ion, cavity, wakefield, impedance 195
  • T. Sipahi, S. Biedron, S.V. Milton
    CSU, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
  We provide the general concept and the design details of our proposed Co-linear X-band Energy Booster (CXEB). Here, using the time domain solver T3P of the ACE3P Suite we provide the single bunch and multiple bunch wakefield excitation mechanism for the power build up when using a symmetric Gaussian bunch distribution in our traveling wave (TW) X-band power extraction cavity (PEC). Finally, we determine the achievable X-band power at the end of the PEC structure.  
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TUA1CO05 Conceptual Design of a Ring for Pulse Structure Manipulation of Heavy Ion Beams at the MSU NSCL ion, rfq, acceleration, linac 255
  • A.N. Pham, R. Ready, C.Y. Wong
    NSCL, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
  • S.M. Lund
    FRIB, East Lansing, USA
  • M.J. Syphers
    Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, USA
  Funding: Research supported by Michigan State University, MSU NSCL, ReA Project, and NSF Award PHY-1415462.
The Reaccelerator (ReA) Facility at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) located at Michigan State University (MSU) offers the low-energy nuclear science community unique capabilities to explore wider ranges of nuclear reactions and the structure of exotic nuclei. Future sensitive time-of-flight experiments on ReA will require the widening of pulse separation for improved temporal resolution in single bunch detection while minimizing loss of rare isotopes and cleaning of beam decay products that might pollute measurements. In this proceedings, we present a preliminary design of a heavy ion ring that will address the task of bunch compression, bunch separation enhancement, satellite bunches elimination, cleaning of decay products, beam loss mitigation, and improvement of beam transmission.
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TUPOB08 Beam Extraction from the Recycler Ring to P1 Line at Fermilab ion, proton, kicker, MMI 497
  • M. Xiao
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA
  The transfer line for beam extraction from the Recycler ring to P1 line provides a way to deliver 8 GeV kinetic energy protons from the Booster to the Delivery ring, via the Recycler, using existing beam transport lines, and without the need for new civil construction. It was designed in 2012. The kicker magnets at RR520 and the lambertson magnet at RR522 in the RR were installed in 2014 Summer Shutdown, the elements of RR to P1 Stub (permanent quads, trim quads, correctors, BPMs, the toroid at 703 and vertical bending dipole at V703 (ADCW) ) were installed in 2015 Summer Shutdown. On Tuesday, June 21, 2016, beam line from the Recycler Ring to P1 line was commissioned. The detailed results will be presented in this report.  
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