Author: Thoraud, T.S.
Paper Title Page
WEOBM01 Challenges and Solutions for the Mechanical Design of SOLEIL-II 133
  • K. Tavakoli, F. Alves, G. Baranton, Y. Benyakhlef, A. Berlioux, A. Carcy, M.-E. Couprie, J. Da Silva Castro, S. Ducourtieux, Z. Fan, C. Herbeaux, C.A. Kitégi, A. Le Jollec, F. Lepage, V. Leroux, A. Loulergue, F. Marteau, A. Mary, A. Nadji, S. Pautard, V. Pinty, M. Ribbens, T.S. Thoraud
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  The Syn­chro­tron SOLEIL is a large-scale re­search fa­cil­ity in France that pro­vides syn­chro­tron ra­di­a­tion from ter­a­hertz to hard X-rays for var­i­ous sci­en­tific ap­pli­ca­tions. To meet the evolv­ing needs of the sci­en­tific com­mu­nity and to re­main com­pet­i­tive with other Eu­ro­pean fa­cil­i­ties, SOLEIL has planned an up­grade pro­ject called SOLEIL-II. The pro­ject aims to re­con­struct the stor­age ring as a Dif­frac­tion Lim­ited Stor­age Ring (DLSR) with a record low emit­tance which will en­able nano­met­ric res­o­lu­tion. The me­chan­i­cal de­sign of the up­grade pro­ject in­volves sev­eral chal­lenges such as the in­te­gra­tion of new mag­nets, vac­uum cham­bers, in­ser­tion de­vices and beam­lines in the ex­ist­ing in­fra­struc­ture, the op­ti­miza­tion of the align­ment and sta­bil­ity of the com­po­nents, and the min­i­miza­tion of the down­time dur­ing the tran­si­tion from SOLEIL to SOLEIL-II. The me­chan­i­cal de­sign is mainly based on ex­ten­sive sim­u­la­tions, pro­to­typ­ing and test­ing to en­sure the fea­si­bil­ity, re­li­a­bil­ity, and per­for­mance of sev­eral key el­e­ments. This ab­stract pre­sents an overview of the me­chan­i­cal de­sign con­cepts and so­lu­tions adopted for the SOLEIL-II pro­ject.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-MEDSI2023-WEOBM01  
About • Received ※ 25 September 2023 — Revised ※ 04 November 2023 — Accepted ※ 08 November 2023 — Issued ※ 03 April 2024
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