Author: Liu, W.C.
Paper Title Page
A Novel Coating to Avoid Corrosion Effect and Vibration Coupling Between Eutectic Gallium-Indium Alloy and Heat Sink Metal for X-Ray Optics Cooling  
  • T. He, M. Li, W.C. Liu, Z.N. Ou, Z.R. Ren, W.F. Sheng, S. Tang, J.L. Yang, H.H. Yu, X.M. Zhang
    IHEP, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  • T. He, M. Li, W.C. Liu, W.F. Sheng, S. Tang, J.L. Yang, H.H. Yu, X.M. Zhang
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  Although the vibration decoupling method based on eutectic gallium-indium (EGaIn) alloy performs excellent in suppressing parasitic vibration caused by the cooling medium and pipes of X-ray optics, the corrosion of EGaIn alloy to the heat sink metal still results in the solidification and the vibration decoupling failure. A novel anti-corrosion coating based on tungsten(W) is proposed. Through the analysis of the micromorphology and the chemical composition after heating for 36 hours at 250°C, there is no obvious evidence that W is corroded which is more effective than the widely used coating of nickle(Ni). And the W coating by using magnetron sputtering has been implemented for feasibility validation. Its corrosion resistance mechanism has also been fully analyzed. Besides, finite element analysis on the differences of vibration decoupling after applying W coatings and Ni coatings are also carried out and discussed. W is proved to be a considerable coating for vibration decoupling to face up to the challenge of the ultra-high requirements of high stability (~10nrad RMS), high surface shape accuracy (¿50nrad RMS) in diffraction-limited storage ring light source.  
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