Author: Li, C.X.
Paper Title Page
MOPLR053 Operating Status of Injector II RFQ for C-ADS Project 254
  • L.P. Sun, Y. He, C.X. Li, L. Lu, A. Shi, L.B. Shi, W.B. Wang, X.B. Xu, Z.L. Zhang, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  The Radio Frequency Quadrupole system has been designed and constructed for C-ADS (Chinese Accelerator Driven System) Injector II in Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, which has been running for more than one year until now. It is a quadrilateral four-vane resonator with two equal couplers operating in CW mode. In the paper, RF system upgrade will be presented in detail,especially the two-port configuration was introduced and the conditioning based on two new sets of solid-state amplifier instead of the original tetrodes power source due to system hardware upgrade are described in the paper.
RFQ, solid-state amplifier, two-port configuration, coupler
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TUPLR066 High Current Beam Injector for Cancer Therapy 604
  • L. Lu, Y. He, C.X. Li, W. Ma, L.B. Shi, L.P. Sun, X.B. Xu, L. Yang, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  • T.L. He
    USTC/NSRL, Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China
  A hybrid single cavity (HSC) linac, which is formed by combining a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) and a drift tube (DT) structure into one interdigital-H (IH) cavity, is fabricated and assembled as a proof of principle injector for cancer therapy synchrotron, based on the culmination of several years of research. The HSC linac adopts a direct plasma injection scheme (DPIS), which can inject a high intensity heavy ion beam produced by a laser ion source (LIS). The input beam current of the HSC is designed to be 20 mA C6+ ions. According to numerical simulations, the HSC linac can accelerate a 6-mA C6+ beam, which meets the requirement of the needed particle number for cancer therapy (108~9 ions/pulse). The HSC injector with the DPIS method makes the existing multi-turn injection system and stripping system unnecessary, and can also bring down the size of the beam pipe in existing synchrotron magnets, which could reduce the whole cost of synchrotron. The radio frequency (RF) measurements show excellent RF properties for the resonator, with a measured Q equal to 91% of the simulated value. A C6+ ion beam extracted from the LIS was used for the HSC commissioning. In beam testing, we found the measured beam parameters agreed with simulations. More details of the measurements and the results of the high power test are reported in this paper.  
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THPLR061 Research on a Two-beam Type Drift Tube Linac 989
  • L. Lu, C.X. Li, W. Ma, L.B. Shi, L.P. Sun, X.B. Xu, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  • T.L. He
    USTC/NSRL, Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China
  • L. Yang
    USTC, Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China
  The very high intense heavy-ion beam is a high attraction for heavy ion researches and heavy-ion applications, but it is limited by heavy-ion production of ion source and space-charge-effect in acceleration. There is one way, accelerating several heavy-ion beams in one cavity at same time and funneling them, which could achieve the acceleration of very high intense heavy-ion beam with existing ion source and accelerating technology. In this paper, we will introduce our designs, calculations and simulations of a 2-beam type drift tube linac.  
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THPLR063 RF Design of a Deuteron Beam RFQ 996
SPWR020   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • C.X. Li, W.P. Dou, Y. He, F.F. Wang, Z.J. Wang, X.B. Xu, Z.L. Zhang
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  In a material irradiation facility in IMP, a RFQ is required for accelerating deuteron beam from 20 keV/u to 1.52 MeV/u. The structure design of the RFQ is drawing on the experience of the RFQ of Injector II of China ADS LINAC. Four-vane structure is adopted and the operation frequency is 162.5 MHz. Inter vane voltage is 65 kV and the Kilpatrick factor is 1.4. Π-mode stabilizing loops are used to move the dipole modes away from the working mode. Slug tuners are used to compensate for capacitance errors induced by machining. Cutbacks and end plate are modified to reach a reasonable field flatness. After the structure design and optimization, the simulation results of the cavity frequency is 162.459 MHz, the power loss is 109 kW. The multiphysics simulations are also performed to determine the frequency shift caused by the shift of the cooling water temperature.  
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THPLR064 Design and Simulation of a High Intensity Heavy Ion RFQ Accelerator Injector 999
SPWR019   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • W. Ma, Y. He, C.X. Li, L. Lu, L.B. Shi, L.P. Sun, X.B. Xu, Z.L. Zhang, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  An 81.25 MHz continuous wave (CW) radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator has been developed for Low Energy Accelerator Facility (LEAF) at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). In the CW operating mode, the proposed RFQ design adopted the conventional four-vane structure. The main design goals are providing the high shunt impendence with low power losses. In the electromagnetic (EM) design, the π-mode stabilizing loops (PISLs) were optimized to produce a good mode separation. The tuners were also designed and optimized to tune frequency and field flatness of the operating mode. The vane undercuts were optimized to provide a flat field along the RFQ cavity. Additionally, a full length model with modulations was set up for the final EM simulations. In this paper, detailed EM design of the LEAF-RFQ will be presented and discussed. Meanwhile, structure error analysis is also studied.  
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