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Zhang, C.

Paper Title Page
TUP10 Design of a Deuteron RFQ for Neutron Generation 312
  • Z.Y. Guo, J. Chen, J. Fang, Y.R. Lu, S.X. Peng, Z.Z. Song, J.X. Yu, C. Zhang, K. Zhu
    PKU/IHIP, Beijing
  • A. Schempp
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main
  A deuteron RFQ is designed for neutron generation with 9Be(d,n)10B reaction. Considering the limitation of available RF transmitter, the frequency was chosen as 201.5 MHz and the peak RF power was set to 400 kW with 10% duty factor. The deuteron beam will be extracted from an ECR ion source also with 10% duty factor and then be accelerated to about 2 MeV by RFQ with high transmission efficiency. The system will be described and the design results of particle dynamics and structure will be given.  
TUP16 Investigation on Beam Dynamics Design of High-Intensity RFQs 327
  • C. Zhang, A. Schempp
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main
  • J. Chen, J. Fang, Z.Y. Guo
    PKU/IHIP, Beijing
  Recently various potential uses of high-intensity beams bring new opportunities as well as challenges to RFQ accelerator research because of the new problems arising from the strong space-charge effects. Unconventional concepts of beam dynamics design, which surround the choice of basic parameters and the optimization of main dynamics parameters’ variation along the machine, are illustrated by the designing Peking University (PKU) Deuteron RFQ. An efficient tool of LANL RFQ Design Codes for beam dynamics simulation and analysis, RFQBAT, is introduced. Some quality criterions are also presented for evaluating design results.