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Tong, D.

Paper Title Page
MOP27 Commissioning of a 6 MeV X-Band SW Accelerating Guide 96
  • Q. Jin, Y. Lin, X. Sun, X. Tao, D. Tong
    TSINGHUA, Beijing
  • B. Chen, B. Sun, Y. Zou
    BIEVT, Beijing 100016
  A 6 MeV, X-band on-axis SW electron linear accelerating guide is being developed in Accelerator laboratory of Tsinghua University. It can be suitable for portable radiation therapy and radiography. The design, manufacture and high power test of the guide are given in this paper. The guide is 38 cm long and contains 25 accelerating cells with 24 coupling cells, operated in the π/2 mode. The RF power source is a pulsed magnetron at 9300 MHz with 1.5 MW peak power. The results of beam tests are following: the electron energy is more than 6 MeV at 50 mA and focal spot size is less than φ 1.5 mm without any focusing solenoid.  
MOP70 A Pass Band Performance Simulation Code of Coupled Cavities 183
  • X. Tao, D. Tong
    TSINGHUA, Beijing
  A simulation code of accelerating cavities named PPSC is developed by the solutions of the microwave equivalent circuit equations. PPSC can give the pass band performance of periodic or non-periodic accelerating structures, such as the dispersion frequency and the reflection factor of the cavity, the field distribution of each mode and so on. The natural parameters of the structure, such as the number of the cavities, the resonant frequencies and Q-factors of each cavity, the coupling factor between two cavities, and the locations of the couplers, can be changed easily to see the different results of the simulation. The code is written based on MS Visual Basic under MS windows. With these, a user-friendly interface is made. Some simple examples was simulated and gave reliable results.