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Maier, R.

Paper Title Page
THP94 Cold Tests of a 160 MHz Half-Wave Resonator 821
  • R. Stassen, R. Maier
    FZJ/IKP, Jülich
  • R. Eichhorn, F. M. Esser, B. Laatsch, G. Schug, H. Singer
    FZJ, Jülich
  The number of polarized particle in the cooler synchrotron COSY is limited by the present injector system. A new linac was projected based on superconductive half-wave resonators to fill COSY up to the space charge limit. The first prototype of a 160 MHz Half-Wave Resonator (HWR) has been built and tested. RF-measurements in CW as well as in a pulsed operation will be presented. A second prototype with a slightly different way of fabrication will be completed soon. All measurements have been done using the new 4 kW loop-coupler. The use of a cold window allows to change the coupling from 1· 106 to 1· 1010 without any risk of contamination. The mechanical tuner consisting of a stepper motor driven coarse tuner and a fast piezo system to compensate the Lorentz-Force detuning has successfully integrated into the vertical test-cryostat.