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Joshi, C.J.

Paper Title Page
TU102 Survey of Advanced Acceleration Techniques 242
  • C.J. Joshi
    UCLA, Los Angeles, California
  In this talk I will review the recent progress on the production, manipulation, transport, acceleration and focusing of relativistic electron beams using advanced techniques. In particular, I will report recent progress on cathode-less electron injectors, IFEL bunchers and accelerators, plasma accelerating and transport structures, and electron and positron beam focusing using plasmas. The plasma structures for acceleration can be excited either by laser beams or charged-particle beams. The acceleration gradients in either case can be enormous. For unmatched beams the betatron radiation loss, as the beam oscillates transversely in the high gradient accelerating structure, can generate a high brightness x-ray beam. These x-rays can, in turn, be used to generate positrons. Work done by different groups around the world will be reviewed.  