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MOPAB099 |
Intensity Fluctuations Reduction in the Double-Bunch FEL at LCLS |
369 |
- G. Zhou, A. Halavanau, C. Pellegrini
SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
In this paper we explore the possibility of reducing the intensity fluctuations of a hard X-ray double-bunch free-electron laser (DBFEL) by using an ultra-short, high peak current electron bunch to generate the seed signal, as studied recently for soft X-ray single bunch self-seeding. The ultra-short, nearly single-spike, SASE pulse is amplified to saturation, where a four-crystal monochromator selects a narrow bandwidth seed for the second bunch. Start-to-end simulation results for 7 keV photon energy are presented here for a DBFEL already studied for LCLS using the HXR undulator. We show that using this enhanced DBFEL (EDBFEL) system; the seed signal intensity fluctuations can be reduced from 85% to about 30%, and the second bunch intensity fluctuation at saturation to about 15%.
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paper received ※ 24 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 16 July 2021 issue date ※ 31 August 2021 |
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