Author: Wang, C.P.
Paper Title Page
TUPAB170 Decouple Transverse Coupled Beam in the DTL with Tilted PMQs 1785
  • P.F. Ma, X. Guan, R. Tang, X.W. Wang, Q.Z. Xing, X.D. Yu, S.X. Zheng
    TUB, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  • Y.H. Pu, J. Qiao, C.P. Wang, X.C. Xie, F. Yang
    Shanghai APACTRON Particle Equipment Company Limited, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  The coupling of the beam is widely studied in the accelerator physics field. Projected transverse emittances easily grow up if the beam is transversely-coupled. If we decouple the transverse coupled beam, the transverse emittance can be small. The matrix approach based on the symplectic transformation theory for decoupling the coupled beam is summarized. For a proton accelerator, the transverse coupled beam is introduced by an RFQ tilted by 45°. The beam is decoupled with the first five tilted quadrupoles mounted in the DTL section. A study on the gradient choice of the quadrupoles and the space charge effect is given in this paper.  
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About • paper received ※ 08 May 2021       paper accepted ※ 21 June 2021       issue date ※ 28 August 2021  
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