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TUPAB002 |
Round Colliding Beams: Successful Operation Experience |
1326 |
- D.B. Shwartz, O.V. Belikov, D.E. Berkaev, D.B. Burenkov, V.S. Denisov, A.S. Kasaev, A.N. Kirpotin, S.A. Kladov, I. Koop, A.A. Krasnov, A.V. Kupurzhanov, G.Y. Kurkin, M.A. Lyalin, A.P. Lysenko, S.V. Motygin, E. Perevedentsev, V.P. Prosvetov, Yu.A. Rogovsky, A.M. Semenov, A.I. Senchenko, L.E. Serdakov, D.N. Shatilov, P.Yu. Shatunov, Y.M. Shatunov, M.V. Timoshenko, I.M. Zemlyansky, Yu.M. Zharinov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- S.A. Kladov, I. Koop, A.A. Krasnov, M.A. Lyalin, E. Perevedentsev, Yu.A. Rogovsky, Y.M. Shatunov, D.B. Shwartz
NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider operating in the beam energy range of 150-1000 MeV is the only machine originally designed for and successfully exploiting Round Beams Concept. After injection chain upgrade including link to the new BINP injection complex VEPP-2000 proceeded with data taking since 2017 with luminosity limited only by beam-beam effects. At the low energies (300-600 MeV/beam) the novel technique of effective emittance controlled increase by weak coherent beam shaking allowed to suppress the limiting flip-flop effect and resulted in additional luminosity gain factor of 4. The averaged delivered luminosity at the omega-meson production energy (2*391 MeV) achieved L = 2*1031cm-2s−1/IP. At the top energies above nucleon-antinucleon production threshold the stable operation with luminosity of L = 5*1031cm-2s−1/IP resulted in high average data taking rate of 2 pb-1/day in 2020.
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paper received ※ 20 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 07 June 2021 issue date ※ 31 August 2021 |
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TUPAB003 |
Final Focus Solenoids Beam-Based Positioning Tests |
1330 |
- D.B. Shwartz
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- D.B. Shwartz
NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
The final focusing at the VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider is done by 13 T superconducting solenoids. The misalignment of solenoids not only provides closed orbit distortions but also harmful for dynamic aperture reduction due to strong nonlinear fringe fields. The final beam-based alignment of solenoids was foreseen but turned out to be not a trivial procedure. Here we present the test study of solenoids positioning reconstruction procedure based on circulating beam orbit responses.
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paper received ※ 22 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 02 June 2021 issue date ※ 28 August 2021 |
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TUPAB311 |
Nonlinear Correctors Tuning for the Collector Ring Isochronous Mode |
2218 |
- M.A. Lyalin, I. Koop, D.B. Shwartz
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- I. Koop, M.A. Lyalin, D.B. Shwartz
NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
One of the operating modes for the Collector Ring (CR) under construction in Darmstadt is the isochronous mode, in which the captured ions circulate with an equal period regardless of their momentum. The measurement of the orbital period T by the time-of-flight sensors makes it possible to precisely determine the mass to the charge ratio of the ion under study. For this, the change of the circulation period dT should not exceed 1·10-6 for dT/T in the entire momentum acceptance of the 0.62%. Modeling in the Strategic Accelerator Design code showed that without nonlinear effects compensation, the orbital period variation is 1·10-5. In this work, the parameters of nonlinear correctors, which are sextupoles and octupoles in CR, are determined, necessary for the isochronous mode implementation.
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paper received ※ 29 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 16 June 2021 issue date ※ 14 August 2021 |
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