Author: Lo, C.H.
Paper Title Page
TUPAB351 The Progress of 300 kW Home-Made Fully Solid-State Transmitter for TPS 2328
  • T.-C. Yu, F.Y. Chang, M.H. Chang, S.W. Chang, L.J. Chen, F.-T. Chung, Y.D. Li, M.-C. Lin, Z.K. Liu, C.H. Lo, Ch. Wang, M.-S. Yeh
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  To support the stable operation of Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) with 500mA beam current and the in-creasing beam line construction, a 3rd RF plant is thus constructed for such demand. The RF power source of the other 2 RF plants adopts klystron type transmitter and the 3rd RF plants is transferred to new technology of solid-state for better redundancy and easier mainte-nance. Base on the success of solid-state power ampli-fier development in 2020, a 3rd RF power source is thus decided to be made in house by solid-state tech-nology. The 500MHz 300kW solid-state transmitter is constructed by 4 80 kW solid-state power amplifier (SSPA) towers and power combined by 3 WR1800 3-dB hybrid couplers. Each tower is consisted of 110 850W final stage SSPA modules with 4 100W pre-amplifiers and 6 600W drive amplifiers. The pre and drive amplifiers are power combined for higher redun-dancy. The DC power are economical industrial 48V AC-DC rack mount power supplies which are parallel connected for higher total DC power and best redun-dancy. The architecture and present progress are pre-sented in this article.  
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About • paper received ※ 20 May 2021       paper accepted ※ 11 June 2021       issue date ※ 20 August 2021  
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WEPAB296 A Klystron Phase Lock Loop for RF System at TPS Booster Ring 3354
  • F.Y. Chang, M.H. Chang, S.W. Chang, L.J. Chen, F.-T. Chung, Y.D. Li, M.-C. Lin, Z.K. Liu, C.H. Lo, Ch. Wang, M.-S. Yeh, T.-C. Yu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  In TPS booster ring, the DLLRF is used to controlled the ramping gap voltage and also the energy saving module is applied to save power while the ring does not inject beam. But we occurred to have a problem of PI saturation due to a large phase change when the energy saving module working. The energy saving module switches the anode voltage of the klystron from high to low level to decrease the cathode current while the ring does not inject and do the opposite while the ring injects. This action causes a large phase change of the transmitter and leads the PI controller to work in the wrong direction. We add a klystron phase loop to solve this situation.  
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About • paper received ※ 19 May 2021       paper accepted ※ 01 July 2021       issue date ※ 30 August 2021  
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THXC07 Adaptive Control of Klystron Operation Parameters for Energy Saving at Storage Ring of TPS 3748
  • T.-C. Yu, F.Y. Chang, M.H. Chang, S.W. Chang, L.J. Chen, F.-T. Chung, Y.D. Li, M.-C. Lin, Z.K. Liu, C.H. Lo, Ch. Wang, M.-S. Yeh
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  To satisfy maximum beam current operation in the storage ring of TPS, the operation parameters of both RF transmitters are set to be able to generate its maxi-mum RF power in daily usage. Under such condition, the klystrons can deliver any power below 300kW at constant AC power consumption which is about 520-530 kW. Hence, the AC power usage is independent of the required RF output power. To best utilize the avail-able AC power based on the required RF power, an adaptive control methodology is proposed here to change the operation parameters of the klystron, cath-ode voltage and anode voltage, according to the pre-sent RF power. The corresponding operation parame-ters are applied by the prior tested table which maps the operation parameters with the different saturation RF power. The test results show that the saved energy can be 32% to 11% from 30mA to 450mA for both RF plants as comparing to constant operation parameters of 1047 kW AC power.  
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About • paper received ※ 19 May 2021       paper accepted ※ 06 July 2021       issue date ※ 11 August 2021  
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