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TUPAB218 |
Fully Covariant Two-Particle Space-Charge Dynamics Using the Liénard-Wiechert Potentials |
1931 |
- B.T. Folsom, E. Laface
ESS, Lund, Sweden
Space charge models typically assume instantaneous propagation of the electromagnetic fields between particles in a bunch, describing forces in the frame of the reference particle. In this paper, we construct a space-charge tracking code from the retarded Liénard-Wiechert potentials, which are covariant by design, in a Lagrangian formulation. Such potentials are manipulated with covariant derivatives to produce the necessary equations of motion that will be solved in a test system of two particles at various relative energies. Magnetic dipole moment dynamics are also evaluated where applicable.
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paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 19 July 2021 issue date ※ 11 August 2021 |
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TUPAB237 |
Symplectic Tracking Through Field Maps |
1992 |
- S.D. Webb
RadiaSoft LLC, Boulder, Colorado, USA
- B.T. Folsom, E. Laface, R. Miyamoto
ESS, Lund, Sweden
For many applications, it is necessary to track particles using field maps, instead of an analytic representation of the fields which is typically not available. These field maps come about while designing elements such as realistic magnets or radiofrequency cavities, and represent the field geometry on a mesh in space. However, simple interpolation of the fields from the field maps does not guarantee that the resulting tracking scheme satisfies the symplectic condition. Here we present a general method to decompose the field-map potential in the sum of interpolating functions that produces, by construction, a symplectic integrator.
Poster TUPAB237 [0.307 MB]
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paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 22 July 2021 issue date ※ 22 August 2021 |
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WEPAB319 |
Open XAL Status Report 2021 |
3421 |
- N. Milas, J.F. Esteban Müller, E. Laface, Y. Levinsen
ESS, Lund, Sweden
- T.V. Gorlov, A.P. Shishlo, A.P. Zhukov
ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
The Open XAL accelerator physics software platform is being developed through international collaboration among several facilities since 2010. The goal of the collaboration is to establish Open XAL as a multi-purpose software platform supporting a broad range of tool and application development in accelerator physics and high-level control (Open XAL also ships with a suite of general-purpose accelerator applications). This paper discusses progress in beam dynamics simulation, new RF models, and updated application framework along with new generic accelerator physics applications. We present the current status of the project, a roadmap for continued development, and an overview of the project status at each participating facility.
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paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 21 July 2021 issue date ※ 11 August 2021 |
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