Author: He, J.H.
Paper Title Page
MOPAB092 Project of Wuhan Photon Source 346
  • H.H. Li, Y. Deng, J.H. He, Y. Nie, L. Tang, J. Wang, Y.X. Zhu
    IAS, Wuhan City, People’s Republic of China
  Wuhan Photon Source (WHPS) has been designed as a fourth-generation light source, which consists of a low energy storage ring (1.5 GeV), a medium energy storage ring (4.0 GeV), and a linac working as a full energy injector. It has been planned to build the low energy light source first as the Phase I project, and then the medium energy light source after its completion. The low energy storage ring has been optimized with the main design parameters as following: An 8-cell, 500 mA storage ring, with a circumference of 180 m and nature emittance 238.4 pm-rad. Based on hybrid-7BA lattice structure, it reaches the soft X-ray diffraction limit. And at the middle of each cell, a 3.5 T superB magnet is used to extend the photon energy to the hard X-ray region. The swap-out injection is chosen due to the small dynamic aperture and a full energy S-band LINAC will be used as its injector. A 3rd harmonic cavity is designed for bunch lengthening to keep a sufficient lifetime. More details of the WHPS phase I project will be described in this paper.  
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About • paper received ※ 10 June 2021       paper accepted ※ 23 June 2021       issue date ※ 24 August 2021  
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