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WEPAB132 |
Towards a Superconducting Undulator Afterburner for the European XFEL |
2921 |
- S. Casalbuoni, J.E. Baader, G. Geloni, V. Grattoni, D. La Civita, C. Lechner, B. Marchetti, S. Serkez, H. Sinn
EuXFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
- W. Decking, L. Lilje, S. Liu, T. Wohlenberg, I. Zagorodnov
DESY, Hamburg, Germany
We propose to develop, characterize and operate a superconducting undulator (SCU) afterburner consisting of 5 undulator modules (1 module = 2 times SCU coil of 2 m length and 1 phase shifter) at the SASE2 hard X-ray beamline of European XFEL. This afterburner has the potential to produce an output of more than 1010 ph/pulse at photon energies above 30 keV. The project is divided into the production of a pre-series prototype module and a small-series production of 5 modules. Central goals of this R&D activity are: the demonstration of the functionality of SCUs at an X-ray FEL, the set up of the needed infrastructure to characterize and operate SCUs, the industrialization of such undulators, and the reduction of the price per module. In this contribution, the main parameters and specifications of the pre-series prototype module (S-PRESSO) are described.
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paper received ※ 15 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 05 July 2021 issue date ※ 14 August 2021 |
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THPAB035 |
Study of the Tolerances for Superconducting Undulators at the European XFEL |
3819 |
- B. Marchetti, S. Casalbuoni, V. Grattoni, S. Serkez
EuXFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
European XFEL is investing in the development of superconducting undulators (SCUs) for future upgrade of its beamlines SCUs made of NbTi, working at 2K, with a period length of 15 mm and a vacuum gap of 5 mm allow covering a range between 54 keV and 100 keV for 17.5 GeV electron energy. The effect of mechanical errors in the distribution of K along the undulators is more relevant for working points at lower photon energy, which are obtained using a higher magnetic field in the undulator. In this article we investigate the effect of error distribution in the K-parameter for a working point at 50keV photon energy obtained injecting an electron beam with 16.5 GeV energy from the XFEL linear accelerator in a undulator line composed by SCUs with 1.58 T peak magnetic field.
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paper received ※ 12 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 05 July 2021 issue date ※ 18 August 2021 |
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THPAB036 |
Superconducting Phase Shifter Design for the Afterburner at the European XFEL |
3823 |
- V. Grattoni, J.E. Baader, S. Casalbuoni
EuXFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
At the European XFEL, a superconducting afterburner is under design for the SASE2 hard X-ray beamline. It will consist of 5 undulator modules. One module corresponds to two superconducting undulator (SCU) coils of 2 m length plus one phase shifter. Such an afterburner will enable photon energies above 30 keV. Superconducting (SC) phase shifters will be installed in each undulator module to keep the correct phase delay between the electron beam and photon beam. In this contribution, we present the required SC phase shifter parameters to enable operation in the electron beam energy range 11.5-17.5 GeV. We also analyze different magnetic designs satisfying the calculated specifications.
Poster THPAB036 [0.991 MB]
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paper received ※ 18 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 06 July 2021 issue date ※ 12 August 2021 |
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