Paper |
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WEPAB355 |
Series Production of the SIS100 Cryocatchers |
3529 |
- L.H.J. Bozyk, S. Ahmed, P.J. Spiller
GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
The superconducting heavy ion synchrotron SIS100, which is the main accelerator of the FAIR-facility will be equipped with cryocatcher to suppress dynamic vacuum effects and to assure a reliable operation of high intensity heavy-ion beams. Subsequent to the successful validation of the prototype in 2011 as well as a First-of-Series cryocatcher, the series production of 60 cryocatcher modules meanwhile has been completed. It was released in 2018 after further design optimizations. Key findings from the series production and acceptance tests are presented as well. The First-of-Series cryocatcher has been integrated into the First-of-Series quadrupole module and has undergone several tests. These results are also illustrated in this report.
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paper received ※ 19 May 2021 paper accepted ※ 06 July 2021 issue date ※ 16 August 2021 |
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