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THPAB043 |
Evolution of Python Tools for the Simulation of Electron Cloud Effects |
simulation, electron, interface, hadron |
3803 |
- G. Iadarola, E. Belli, K.S.B. Li, L. Mether, A. Romano, G. Rumolo
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
PyECLOUD was originally developed as a tool for the simulation of electron cloud build-up in particle accelerators. Over the last five years the code has become part of a wider set of modular and scriptable python tools that can be combined to study different effects of the e-cloud in increasingly complex scenarios. The Particle In Cell solver originally included in PyECLOUD later developed into a stand-alone general purpose library (PyPIC) that now includes advanced features like a refined modeling of curved boundaries and optimized resolution based on the usage of nested grids. The effects of the e-cloud on the beam dynamics can be simulated interfacing PyECLOUD with the PyHEADTAIL code. These simulations can be computationally very demanding due to the multi-scale nature of this kind of problems. Hence, a dedicated parallelization layer (PyPARIS) has been recently developed to profit of parallel computing resources in order to significantly speed-up the computation.
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THPIK098 |
Bz Calculation of TPS Linac Focusing Coils and a Toolkit for Bz Optimization |
linac, focusing, electron, operation |
4321 |
- H.H. Chen, H.-P. Chang, C.L. Chen, C.-S. Fann, K.-K. Lin, Y.K. Lin, K.L. Tsai
NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
A set of focusing coils is installed along TPS linac beam centerline at low energy region (< 10 MeV) in order to confine the beam radius within 5 mm. The longitudinal magnetic field calculation along the beam centerline has been carried out in this study. The estimated Bz is obtained based on Biot-Savart law calculation. Then, it is verified by field measurement using Gauss meter at specific centerline locations. Calibration process is performed by comparing the calculated and measured Bz fields at selected operation settings. The comparison result is presented in this report. The linac operation experience indicates that tuning of the coil settings is critical concerning beam property optimization. Consequently, a Bz calculation toolkit is developed to cope with the multi-knobs optimization process while tuning of numerous focusing coils installed in the system at various locations. The applications of the Bz calculation toolkit is briefly described.
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