WEXA —  Invited Oral Presentation, Photon Sources and Electron Accelerators   (11-May-16   09:00—09:30)
Chair: L. Liu, LNLS, Campinas, Brazil
Paper Title Page
WEXA01 The ESRF Low-emittance Upgrade 2023
  • P. Raimondi
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  This talk focuses on novel aspects of the lattice design, describes the technical solutions that have been found for meeting the design goals (including the use of permanent magnet dipoles), outlines the main challenges that will be faced in commissioning and operating the new lattice in a very demanding parameter regime, and discusses how it is hoped to maximize eventual benefits for users while minimizing disruption during the upgrade process.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-WEXA01  
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