Author: Peplov, V.V.
Paper Title Page
TUOAA02 Status and Performance of ORNL Spallation Neutron Source Accelerator Systems 1007
  • Y.W. Kang, A.V. Aleksandrov, D.E. Anderson, M.S. Champion, M.T. Crofford, J. Galambos, B. Han, S.-H. Kim, S.W. Lee, J. Moss, V.V. Peplov, C. Piller, M.A. Plum, R.T. Roseberry, J.P. Schubert, A.P. Shishlo, M.P. Stockli, C.M. Stone, R.F. Welton, M. Wezensky, D.C. Williams, A.P. Zhukov
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  • L.A. Longcoy, M. Magda, M.E. Middendorf, W.S. Passmore, C.C. Peters, J. Price, R.B. Saethre, J. Saunders
    ORNL RAD, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  Funding: This work was supported by SNS through UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. DOE.
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) accelerator sys-tems have been performing continuously and progressively since commissioning in 2006 to deliver the neutrons to beamlines. The 1.4 MW design beam power has been demonstrated during 24/7 operation while developments and investigations for system improvements are still ongoing to achieve the full design beam power and availability. Numerous difficulties that impeded reaching the full performance of the SNS accelerator systems have been identified and are being eliminated through repairs, upgrades, and developments. In this report, operational performance and developments of the accelerator systems are presented along with the efforts for future upgrades of the SNS.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-TUOAA02  
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