Author: Frigola, P.
Paper Title Page
MOPOW049 Implementation of a Corrugated-Plate Dechirping System for GeV Electron Beam at LCLS 824
  • M.A. Harrison, P. Frigola, J.D. McNevin, A.Y. Murokh, M. Ruelas
    RadiaBeam Systems, Santa Monica, California, USA
  • A.M. Babbitt, M. Carrasco, A. Cedillos, R.H. Iverson, P. Krejcik, T.J. Maxwell, Ž. Oven
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: This work is supported by US DOE Grant No. DE-SC0009550.
A new corrugated-plate Dechirper was recently installed in the LCLS and underwent commissioning tests to gauge its efficacy in shaping the longitudinal phase space of bunches entering the FEL. Here, we describe in detail the completed four-meter LCLS Dechirper system along with a narrative of its construction. We detail the various challenges and lessons learned in the manufacturing and assembly of this first-of-its-kind device. An outlook on future designs is presented.
DOI • reference for this paper ※ DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-MOPOW049  
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