Keyword: longitudinal-dynamics
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WEPC062 Second Order Achromats with Arbitrary Linear Transfer Matrices quadrupole, sextupole, focusing, beam-transport 2160
  • V. Balandin, R. Brinkmann, W. Decking, N. Golubeva
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  The most obvious method to construct a second order achromat with an arbitrary (predefined) linear transfer matrix is to take a bend magnet system arranged in an achromat like fashion with the total transfer matrix equal to the identity matrix, attach a drift-quadrupole block with the desired linear transfer matrix and then adjust the sextupoles installed in the first part in such a way that the total system becomes a second order achromat. Unfortunately this is not always possible and, in general, the parts of such a system can not be designed independently. In this paper we give the necessary and sufficient conditions which must be satisfied for both parts of the system in order to become a second order achromat. In addition we provide some practical recommendations showing how these conditions can be fulfilled. We formulate these necessary and sufficient conditions using the group-theoretical point of view for the design of magnetic optical achromats as introduced in *.
* V. Balandin, R. Brinkmann, W. Decking, N. Golubeva, "Two Cell Repetitive Achromats and Four Cell Mirror Symmetric Achromats", Proc. IPAC'10, Kyoto, Japan (2010).