Author: Kubin, M.
Paper Title Page
WEBL05 FAIR Meets EMIL: Principles in Practice 574
  • G. Günther, M. Bär, N. Greve, R. Krahl, M. Kubin, O. Mannix, W. Smith, S. Vadilonga, R. Wilks
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  Findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) form a set of principles required to ready information for computational exploitation. The Energy Materials In-Situ Laboratory Berlin (EMIL) at BESSY II, with its unique analytical instrumentation in direct combination with an industrially-relevant deposition tool, is in the final phase of commissioning. It provides an ideal testbed to ensure workflows are developed around the FAIR principles; enhancing usability for both human and machine agents. FAIR indicators are applied to assess compliance with the principles on an experimental workflow realized using Bluesky. Additional metadata collection by integrating an instrument PID, an electronic laboratory book, and a sample tracking system is considered along with staff training. Data are collected in Nexus format and made available in the ICAT repository. This paper reports on experiences, problems overcome, and areas still in need of improvement in future perspectives.  
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About • Received ※ 08 October 2021       Accepted ※ 22 December 2021       Issue date ※ 24 February 2022  
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