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MOMAU004 |
Database Foundation for the Configuration Management of the CERN Accelerator Controls Systems |
48 |
- Z. Zaharieva, M. Martin Marquez, M. Peryt
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
The Controls Configuration DB (CCDB) and its interfaces have been developed over the last 25 years in order to become nowadays the basis for the Configuration Management of the Controls System for all accelerators at CERN. The CCDB contains data for all configuration items and their relationships, required for the correct functioning of the Controls System. The configuration items are quite heterogeneous, depicting different areas of the Controls System – ranging from 3000 Front-End Computers, 75 000 software devices allowing remote control of the accelerators, to valid states of the Accelerators Timing System. The article will describe the different areas of the CCDB, their interdependencies and the challenges to establish the data model for such a diverse configuration management database, serving a multitude of clients. The CCDB tracks the life of the configuration items by allowing their clear identification, triggering change management processes as well as providing status accounting and audits. This necessitated the development and implementation of a combination of tailored processes and tools. The Controls System is a data-driven one - the data stored in the CCDB is extracted and propagated to the controls hardware in order to configure it remotely. Therefore a special attention is placed on data security and data integrity as an incorrectly configured item can have a direct impact on the operation of the accelerators.
Slides MOMAU004 [0.404 MB]
Poster MOMAU004 [6.064 MB]
MOPKN010 |
Database and Interface Modifications: Change Management Without Affecting the Clients |
106 |
- M. Peryt, R. Billen, M. Martin Marquez, Z. Zaharieva
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
The first Oracle-based Controls Configuration Database (CCDB) was developed in 1986, by which the controls system of CERN's Proton Synchrotron became data-driven. Since then, this mission-critical system has evolved tremendously going through several generational changes in terms of the increasing complexity of the control system, software technologies and data models. Today, the CCDB covers the whole CERN accelerator complex and satisfies a much wider range of functional requirements. Despite its online usage, everyday operations of the machines must not be disrupted. This paper describes our approach with respect to dealing with change while ensuring continuity. How do we manage the database schema changes? How do we take advantage of the latest web deployed application development frameworks without alienating the users? How do we minimize impact on the dependent systems connected to databases through various API's? In this paper we will provide our answers to these questions, and to many more.
MOPKN011 |
CERN Alarms Data Management: State & Improvements |
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- Z. Zaharieva, M. Buttner
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
The CERN Alarms System - LASER is a centralized service ensuring the capturing, storing and notification of anomalies for the whole accelerator chain, including the technical infrastructure at CERN. The underlying database holds the pre-defined configuration data for the alarm definitions, for the Operators alarms consoles as well as the time-stamped, run-time alarm events, propagated through the Alarms Systems. The article will discuss the current state of the Alarms database and recent improvements that have been introduced. It will look into the data management challenges related to the alarms configuration data that is taken from numerous sources. Specially developed ETL processes must be applied to this data in order to transform it into an appropriate format and load it into the Alarms database. The recorded alarms events together with some additional data, necessary for providing events statistics to users, are transferred to the long-term alarms archive. The article will cover as well the data management challenges related to the recently developed suite of data management interfaces in respect of keeping data consistency between the alarms configuration data coming from external data sources and the data modifications introduced by the end-users.
Poster MOPKN011 [4.790 MB]
WEPMS007 |
Backward Compatibility as a Key Measure for Smooth Upgrades to the LHC Control System |
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- V. Baggiolini, M. Arruat, D. Csikos, R. Gorbonosov, P. Tarasenko, Z. Zaharieva
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Now that the LHC is operational, a big challenge is to upgrade the control system smoothly, with minimal downtime and interruptions. Backward compatibility (BC) is a key measure to achieve this: a subsystem with a stable API can be upgraded smoothly. As part of a broader Quality Assurance effort, the CERN Accelerator Controls group explored methods and tools supporting BC. We investigated two aspects in particular: (1) "Incoming dependencies", to know which part of an API is really used by clients and (2) BC validation, to check that a modification is really backward compatible. We used this approach for Java APIs and for FESA devices (which expose an API in the form of device/property sets). For Java APIs, we gather dependency information by regularly running byte-code analysis on all the 1000 Jar files that belong to the control system and find incoming dependencies (methods calls and inheritance). An Eclipse plug-in we developed shows these incoming dependencies to the developer. If an API method is used by many clients, it has to remain backward compatible. On the other hand, if a method is not used, it can be freely modified. To validate BC, we are exploring the official Eclipse tools (PDE-API tools), and others that check BC without need for invasive technology such as OSGi. For FESA devices, we instrumented key components of our controls system to know which devices and properties are in use. This information is collected in the Controls Database and is used (amongst others) by the FESA design tools in order to prevent the FESA class developer from breaking BC.