Author: Winton, W.
Paper Title Page
MOPMS010 LANSCE Control System Front-End and Infrastructure Hardware Upgrades 343
  • M. Pieck, D. Baros, C.D. Hatch, P.S. Marroquin, P.D. Olivas, F.E. Shelley, D.S. Warren, W. Winton
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
  Funding: This work has benefited from the use of LANSCE at LANL. This facility is funded by the US DoE and operated by Los Alamos National Security for NSSA, Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396. LA-UR-11-10228
The Los Alam­os Neu­tron Sci­ence Cen­ter (LAN­SCE) lin­ear ac­cel­er­a­tor drives user fa­cil­i­ties for iso­tope pro­duc­tion, pro­ton ra­dio­g­ra­phy, ul­tra-cold neu­trons, weapons neu­tron re­search and var­i­ous sci­ences using neu­tron scat­ter­ing. The LAN­SCE Con­trol Sys­tem (LCS), which is in part 30 years old, pro­vides con­trol and data mon­i­tor­ing for most de­vices in the linac and for some of its as­so­ci­at­ed ex­per­i­men­tal-area beam lines. In Fis­cal Year 2011, the con­trol sys­tem went through an up­grade pro­cess that af­fect­ed dif­fer­ent areas of the LCS. We im­proved our net­work in­fras­truc­ture and we con­vert­ed part of our front-end con­trol sys­tem hard­ware to Allen Bradley Con­trol­sLogix 5000 and Na­tion­al In­stru­ments Com­pact RIO pro­grammable au­toma­tion con­troller (PAC). In this paper, we will dis­cuss what we have done, what we have learned about up­grad­ing the ex­ist­ing con­trol sys­tem, and how this will af­fect our fu­ture planes.