Author: Winter, A.
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MOBAUST01 News from ITER Controls - A Status Report 1
  • A. Wallander, L. Abadie, F. Di Maio, B. Evrard, J-M. Fourneron, H.K. Gulati, C. Hansalia, J.Y. Journeaux, C.S. Kim, W.-D. Klotz, K. Mahajan, P. Makijarvi, Y. Matsumoto, S. Pande, S. Simrock, D. Stepanov, N. Utzel, A. Vergara-Fernandez, A. Winter, I. Yonekawa
    ITER Organization, St. Paul lez Durance, France
  Construction of ITER has started at the Cadarache site in southern France. The first buildings are taking shape and more than 60 % of the in-kind procurement has been committed by the seven ITER member states (China, Europe, India, Japan, Korea, Russia and Unites States). The design and manufacturing of the main components of the machine is now underway all over the world. Each of these components comes with a local control system, which must be integrated in the central control system. The control group at ITER has developed two products to facilitate this; the plant control design handbook (PCDH) and the control, data access and communication (CODAC) core system. PCDH is a document which prescribes the technologies and methods to be used in developing the local control system and sets the rules applicable to the in-kind procurements. CODAC core system is a software package, distributed to all in-kind procurement developers, which implements the PCDH and facilitates the compliance of the local control system. In parallel, the ITER control group is proceeding with the design of the central control system to allow fully integrated and automated operation of ITER. In this paper we report on the progress of design, technology choices and discuss justifications of those choices. We also report on the results of some pilot projects aiming at validating the design and technologies.  
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